
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:10:10 13:19:21
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

  SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange 国家外汇管理局

  SAIC State Administration for Industry and Commerce (中国)国家工商行政管理局

  SAP Statement of Auditing Procedure 《审计程序汇编》

  SAR Special Administrative Region 特别行政区

  SAS Statement of Auditing Standard 《审计准则汇编》

  SASE self-addressed stamped envelope 邮资已付有回邮地址的信封

  SAT (China) State Administration of Taxation (中国)国家税务局

  SATCOM satellite communication 卫星通讯

  SB short bill 短期国库券;短期汇票

  SB sales book. saving bond. savings bank 售货簿;储蓄债券;储蓄银行

  SBC Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士银行公司

  SBIC Small Business Investment Corporation 小企业投资公司

  SBIP small business insurance policy 小型企业保险单

  SBLI Savings Bank Life Insurance 储蓄银行人寿保险

  SBN Standard Book Number 标准图书号

  SC sales contract 销售合同

  sc scilicet namely 即

  SC supplier credit 卖方信贷

  SCF supplier credit finance 卖方信贷融资

  Sch schilling (奥地利)先令

  SCIRR special CIRR 特别商业参考利率

  SCL security characteristic line 证券特征线

  SCORE special claim on residual equity 对剩余财产净值的特别要求权

  SD standard deduction 标准扣除额

  SDB special district bond 特区债券

  SDBL sight draft, bill of lading attached 即期汇票,附带提货单

  SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系统

  SDR straight discount rate 直线贴现率

  SDRs special drawing rights 特别提款权

  SE shareholders’ equity 股东产权

  SE Stock Exchange 股票交易所

  SEA Single European Act 《单一欧洲法案》

  SEAF Stock Exchange Automatic Exchange Facility 股票交易所自动交易措施

  SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization 东南亚公约组织

  sec second(ary). secretary 第二,次级;秘书

  sect. section 部分

  Sen senator 参议院

  Sept. September 九月

  SET 0selective employment tax 单一税率工资税

  sextuplicate (文件)一式六份中的一份

  SEC special economic zone 经济特区

  SF sinking fund 偿债基金

  Sfr Swiss Frank 瑞士法郎

  SFS Summary Financial Statements 财务报表概要

  sgd. signed 已签署

  SHEX Sundays and holidays excepted 星期日和假日除外

  SHINC Sundays and holidays included 星期日和假日包括在内

  shpd. shipped 已装运

  shpg. shipping 正装运

  shpt. shipment 装运,船货

  SI Statutory Instrument. System of Units 有效立法;国际量制

  SIC Standard Industrial Classification 标准产业分类

  SIP structured insurance products 结构保险产品

  SITC Standard International Trade Classification 国际贸易标准分类

  sk sack 袋,包

  SKD separate knock-known 部分散件

  SLC standby LC 备用信用证

  SMA special miscellaneous account 特别杂项账户

  SMEs small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业

  SMI Swiss Market Index 瑞士市场指数

  SML security market line 证券市场线

  SMTP supplemental medium term policy 辅助中期保险

  SN stock number 股票编号

  Snafu Situation Normal, All Fouled Up 情况还是一样,只是都乱了

  SOE state-owned enterprises 国有企业

  SOF State Ownership Fund 国家所有权基金

  sola sola bill, sola draft, sola of exchange (拉丁)单张汇票

  sov. sovereign 金镑=20先令

  SOYD sum of the year’s digits method 年数加总折旧法

