Risk-Return Tradeoff A situation where an investor is willing to take on more risk when there is the possibility of a greater return.
Accounts Receivable Money owed to the company by its customers.
Accounts Payable Money the company owes to its suppliers.
Inventory A detailed list of a company s goods. Average Collection Period The average amount of time required to collect an account receivable. |
风险回报权衡 指当有更大回报可能时投资者不愿再冒风险的情形。
应收账款 指公司客户欠公司的钱。
应付账款 指公司欠其供应商的钱。
存货清单 公司货物的详细清单。 平均收款周期 收回应收账款的平均时间长度。 |