文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:09:06 11:45:01
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
award vt.授予,给予.裁定, 判给 n.奖,奖品,奖金
Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 .马丁.路德.金被授予1964年诺贝尔和平奖
for advocating nonviolence in the movement for civil rights. .因为主张在民权运动中采取非暴力政策.
current a.现时的,当前的. 流行的,流传的. n.(空气、水等)流,潮流 电流.趋势,倾向
A scientist should always be able to stay current in his field of studies. .科学家应能始终跟上他的研究领域的新发展.
Many youngsters have their hair colored, .许多年轻人把头发招染了色,
saying that was going with the current of the times. .说是顺应时代潮流.
decorate vt.装饰,装潢
According to American writer Paul Fussells book Class, .根据美国作家保罗.福塞尔的《格调》一书,
the American upper class like to decorate their houses with oriental handmade rugs .美国的上流社会喜欢用东方的手织地毯装饰家居.
lower a.较低的,低等的. 下面的,下游的 vt.放下,降下,降低
A car decorated with odd doll shoes and bulging toy dice .一辆用古怪的娃娃鞋和 鼓鼓囊囊的玩具骰子所装饰的汽车
is thought be a car belonging to the lower class in the U.S.. .在美国会被看成是属于下层阶级的.
To lower the price of commodities sometimes is an important means in business. .有时降低商品价格是商业竞争中的一种重要手段.
entire a.全部的,整个的
The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.. .整个庞贝城在公元79年维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁.
overall ad.总的来说 a.总体的,全面的, 综合的,全部的 n.[p工作服,工装裤
Overall,prices are still rising. .大体说来,物价仍在上涨.
My overall impression of Shanghai was favorable. .我对上海的总体印象是很好的.
prevent vt.预防,防止
I sometimes set two alarm clocks to prevent myself from getting up late. .我有时要校两个闹钟以防自己晚起.
previous a.先,前,以前的. (~ to)在……之前
Enough material should be collected previous to writing. .写作之前要收集足够的材料.
primitive a.原始的,早期的. 简单的,粗糙的 n. 原(始)人, 原始事物
The Eskimos live in the Arctic coastal regions of North America .爱斯基摩人居住在北美地区的北冰洋海岸
and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia and are considered a primitive tribe. .与格陵兰岛部分地区以及西伯利亚的东北地区,他们被看作是一个原始的部 族.
Small seashells were once used as a primitive form of money. .小贝壳曾经被当作简单的钱币使用.
priority n.优先的,在前的
The highest priority of the Guangzhou municipal government has been .广州市政府已优先考虑
given to the problem of heavy traffic. .交通拥挤问题.
privilege n.特权,优惠
One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. .导致社会不协调的障碍之一是特权.
procession n.队伍,行列
During the carnival of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, .在巴西里约热内卢嘉年华会的日子里,
streets are crowded with people dancing the samba in parading processions. .街上到处都是跳着桑巴舞的游行队伍.
profession n. 职业,自由职业. (the ~)同业,同行
Teaching is a respectable profession. .教师是令人尊敬的职业.
It is rather difficult to win acclaim from the profession. .要赢得同行的好评是相当困难的.
profit n.利润,收益,益处 vt.有益于,有利于 vi.(~by,~from)得益
We can profit from the mistakes we have made. .我们可以从错误中得到教益.
We have made a profit this year. .我们今年盈利.
promise n.承诺,诺言.希望,出息 vt.允诺,答应. 有…可能,有希望 vi.允诺.有指望,有前途
Remember to carry out your promise.(Remember to carry out what you have promised) .记住要履行诺言.
Clouds give promise of rain.(Clouds promise rain.) .阴云预示着雨的来临.
prompt vt.促使,推动.提示 a.敏捷的,及时的,迅速的 n.提词,提问
The poor boy confessed that it was hunger that prompted him to steal the bread. .可怜的男孩承认他是因为太饿了才偷面包的.
proposal n.提议,建议.求婚
Various proposals were forward for increasing sales. .为提高销售量提出了各种建议.
How could you make a proposal without a ring? .你怎么可以去求婚而不带上戒指呢?
revenue n.(尤指大宗的)收入, 收益.(政府的)税收, 岁入
State universities in the U.S. get most of their revenue from taxes. .在美国的州立大学大部分收靠税款.
reward n.报答,奖赏.报酬,酬金 vt.报答,酬谢,奖励
Good people will eventually be rewarded .好人终有好报.
(Good people will eventually get good reward.) .好人终有好报.
risk n.危险,风险.引起危险 的事物(或人) vt.冒…的危险, 使遭受危险
The usual risks of the desert are: rattlesnakes,heat, and lack of water. .沙漠中常见的危险有: 响尾蛇,酷热及缺水.
rotate v.(使)旋转, (使)转动.(使)轮流
The earth rotates around the sun,and the earth rotates once a day. .地球围绕太阳转,与此同时地球每天自转一次.
steer vt.驾驶,为…操舵. 引导 vi.驾驶
The close-door policy couldnt steer a country to prosperity. .闭关自守的政策不能引导国家走向繁荣.
How does your car steer?Does it corner well? .你的车开起来怎么样? 转弯灵活吗?
sticky a.粘的,粘性的. (天气)湿热的. 困难的,棘手的
The sticky toffee made my teeth uncomfortable .粘乎乎的太妃糖弄得我的牙齿很不舒服.
The most unpleasant thing about Guangzhous summer is the sticky weather. .广州夏天最令人难受的是那湿热的天气.
still ad.还,仍旧.然而, a.静止的,平静的 n.(电影等的)剧照, v.(使)平静下来,
Drink it while its still hot. .趁热喝吧.
All sounds are still at night. .夜晚万籁俱静.
You can still your anxiety by listening to some music. .你可以听听音乐以消除内心的不安,平静下来.
strengthen vt.加强,巩固
The major goal of the country is to strengthen the economy. .加强经济实力是国家首要的目标.
Your words strengthened my heart. .你的话增强了我的信心.
stretch vi.伸展,延伸,延续. vt.拉长,伸展. n.一段时间,一段路程, 连绵的一片.伸展,
I stretch to relax after working a full day. .工作了一整天,我伸了个懒腰放松一下.
Having been washed,the sweater was stretched out of shape. .洗过以后,这件毛衣被拉长变了形.
Can you work eight hours at a stretch? .你能连续工作八小时吗?
string n.线,弦,细绳.一串, 一行 vt.用线串. (用线)悬挂,系住
Models limp hair strings are always shown in the shampoo commercials. .洗发水的广告中常会展示模特柔软的发丝.
strip vi.剥.脱光衣服 vt.剥去,脱去…的衣服. 剥夺,夺走 n.条,狭条,带状物
The wind stripped the trees of their leaves. .大风把树吹得光秃秃的.
The major goal of the country is to strengthen the economy. .加强经济实力是国家首要的目标.
In the countryside, .在农村,
you can often see boys strip themselves to go swimming in the river or the lake. .你会常看到男孩子脱光衣服到河里或湖里游泳.
stroke n.中风.一次努力. 击,敲
The general manager singed the contract with a stroke of the pen. .总经理大笔一挥, 签下了合同.
He stroked her hair affectionately. .他深情地抚摸着她的头发.
subsequent a.随后的,后来的
Most countries in Europe were in a mess during the period subs equent to World War II .二战后的一段时期中, 大部分欧洲国家陷入了窘境.
treasure n.金银财宝,财富. 珍品,珍藏品 vt.珍爱,珍视
I treasure friendship very much, .我非常珍惜友谊,
because I believe that true friendship is worth more than money. .因为我认为真正的友谊比金钱更具价值.
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