文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:09:06 11:43:03
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Stephen Chow Sing-chi appeared in the auditorium of Peking University .周星驰出现在北京大学 礼堂
amid deafening applause/and received a large applause. .淹没在震耳欲聋 的掌声中.
architect n.建筑师,设计师, 缔造者
Certified architects are .注册建筑师
playing a more important role in modern city construction. .在现代城市建设的活动中 扮演着越来越重要的钳子 角色.
asset n.有价值的人(或物), 优点,长处. [常p资产,财产
Good health is a great asset. .健康是笔大财富.
Ability to get along with people is an asset in business. .在商界善跟别人相处 是可贵的优点.
assumption n.假定,臆断. 担任,承担
Many companies are reviewing the employees salary .许多公司为员工调整工 资
based on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year .都是在假定下一年通货 膨胀率不增长的情况下.
bloody a.该死的,该受诅咒的. 血腥的,流血的.嗜杀的 残忍的 ad.非常,很 vt.使为血所污,血染
A "Bloody Mary" is a kind of cocktail usually made of vodka and tomato juice. .“血腥玛丽”是一种通常 用伏特加和蕃茄汁制成的 鸡尾酒.
boom n.(营业等的)激增. (经济等的)繁荣, 迅速发展.隆隆声 vi.激增,繁荣,迅速发展
In a city with booming industry, .在一个工业飞速发展的 城市里,
land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. .土地资源非常宝贵, 不能任意地用于交通.
boost vt.提高,使增长.推动 激励.替…做广告,宣扬 n.提高,增长.推动,激励
The Export Commodities Fair held every year in Guangzhou .每年在广州举办的出口 商品交易会
is a good chance to boost local products abroad. .是为向国外推销地方产 品的好机会.
conquer vt.攻克,征服. 破除,克服
Modern medical science has conquered many diseases. .现代医学征服了许多疾 病.
convict vt.(经审讯)证明…有罪 宣判…有罪 n.囚犯
A doctor in a small town in the U.S. was convicted of having killed about .美国一个小镇上有个 医生被判有罪,他杀 害了大约
80 elderly people. .80个老人.
conviction n.确信,坚定的信仰. 说服,信服.定罪, 判罪
The experiment conducted by the US astronauts in 1971 .1971年美国宇航员做的 一个实验
brought conviction to the world that Galileos theory of fa -lling objects is true .使世人信服伽利略的自 由落体理论是正确的.
consumer n.消费者,用户. 消费者
In recent years, .近年来
consumers have benefited from the price fall of television sets .电视机价格下降,消费 者从中获益
because of the keen competition in the TV set industry. .由于电视机生产行业 激烈的竞争.
consumption n.消耗量.消费量. 消耗.消费.
The low petrol consumption cars .耗油量低的小汽车
are the best selling ones in Chinas automobile market. .是中国汽车市场的 畅销货.
context n.背景,环境.上下文, 语境
We should judge the past in its historical context. .我们应当根据时代背景 来看待过去.
controversial a.引起争论的,争议的
Lady Chatterleys Lover .《查特莱夫人的情人》
is the most controversial one among all D.H Lawrences works. .是D.H.劳伦斯的著作 中最有争议的一部作品.
dose n.(一次)剂量, 一剂,一份
Here is your medicine. the dose is two spoonfuls every four hours. .这是你的药,剂量是 每四小时服两匙.
draft n.草稿,草案,草图. 通风,气流.汇票. 征兵,服役 vt.起草,草拟.征募
Jefferson drafted The Declaration of Independence, .杰斐逊起草的 《独立宣言》
which was adopted by the congress on July 4,1776. .在1776年7月4日被 大陆会议采用.
evolution n.演变,进化,发展
The space program is the evolution of years of research. .太空计划是多年研究 的发展结果.
existence n.存在.生存, 生活(方式)
The elephant is the largest land animal in existence. .大象是现有的最大 的陆上动物.
frank a.坦白的,直率的
You can tell me what you think,and you may just as well be frank. .你心里想什么就告诉 我吧,还是坦率些好.
fry vt.油煎,油炸,油炒
It is easy to fry eggs in a frying pan. .在平底煎锅里煎鸡蛋 很方便.
intelligent a.聪明的,有才智的
Dolphins are said to be more intelligent than other animals. .都说海豚比其他动物 聪明.
interference n.干涉,介入. 阻碍,干扰
Due to the storm,there was interference on the telephone line. .由于暴风雨,电话线 受到干扰.
internet n.(the ~)国际互联网, 因特网
The Internet is a very convenient way to .因特网是一种非常便于
communicate and share information with people all over the world. .与世界各地的人们交通 和分享信息的方式.
profile n.(面部或头部的)侧面 (像).人物.轮廓,形象. 姿态 vt.为…描绘 (轮廓等)写…的传略
The Queens head appears in profile on some British stamps. .有的英国邮票上有女王 的侧面头像.
proof n.证据,证明. 校样,样张 a.耐…的,能防…的
Whether there was proof that the defendant was not on the crime spot .证明被告不在犯罪现场 的证据
is essential in proof of his innocence. .对证明他的清白非常 必要.
repetition n.重复,反复
Let there be no repetition of the same mistakes. .别再犯同样的错误.
strategic a.对全局有重要意义的. 关键的.战略上的
The board of directors .董事会
discussed the strategic marketing factors for the coming year. .讨论了未来一年中至 关重要的市场因素.
striking a.显著的,突出的惹人 注目的,容貌出众的
There is a striking contrast effect betwee -n the two different interpretations .两种不同的解释会产生 截然不同的效果
on the same case. .对同一件事.
《四级词汇词根 联想-记忆法-》02
《四级词汇词根 联想-记忆法-》01