
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:06:26 12:31:54
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

· tree, bush, vegetable, flower, fruit
· cabbage, turnip, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, pepper,broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoes
Fruit: apple, peach, pear, strawberry, grapes, orange, watermelon, pineapple, mango, bananas, kiwifruit, cherry, apricot
Sound: jingle, clink, tinkle, crack, sizzle, hiss, pop, splash, tick, rustle whirr
Throw: toss, hurl
Pull: drag, haul, tow
Break: smash, crack, crash, crush
Look: see, watch, observe, perceive, sight, spot scan, glance peer, stare, gaze, behold
Laugh: giggle, titter, chuckle, grin, guffaw
Cry: weep, sob, groan, wail, lament, whimper

Little by little, year by year, step by step, a doctor by profession (职业为医生), by accident, bygood luck, reduce by half, too many by one (多一个),by force, by sight (面熟), by means of, by virtue of (凭借),honest by nature, by chance, by request (应邀),by mistake, larger by half (大一半), by way of, by far, learn by heart, by air,
Bound for, for all (尽管), for the moment (暂时), for life (终生),for good (永远), answer for (负责), be responsible for, account for, famous for, convenient for, necessary for, admiration for, appetite for, candidate for, compensation for, preference for, sympathy for, charge for, demand for, Make for, arrange for, crave for, yearn for, thirst for, hunt for, apply for, wait for, go in for, have a taste for, long for, pray for, take for
In disguise, in red/blue, in a good/bad humor/mood, in good/bad temper, in a rage, in chorus, in full dress (盛装), in high/low spirits, in despair, in luck, in comfort, in the blues, in conclusion, in tears, in need, in debt, in good condition, in one’s way, in haste, in fashion, in love, in full bloom, in ruins, in twos and threes, in astonishment/surprise, in good order, in disorder, in public, in rows, hand in hand, in search of, in favor of, in pursuit of, in memory of, in fact, in short, in other words, in stock, in particular, in terms of, in respect to, in the light of (根据), in time, in vain, engaged in, in honour of, in addition, in brief, in essence, in general, in possession of, in part, in turn, in all, be indulged in
Be endowed with (被赋予…), in line with, in touch with, in contact with, tremble with fear, with a firm hand, with the exception of, be acquainted with, be busy with, be bored with, confronted with, concerned with, be satisfied/content with, identical with, strict with, compromise with, conflict with, encounter with, get along with, coincide with, go with, match with, keep up with, deal with, part with, put up with
1. The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people.
2. He is a old man. He is toward his teachers.
After the meeting they went back to their _____ provinces.
A. respectable B. respected C. respective
D. respectful E. respecting
3. Helping him is . It is helping him.
The novel is studying. The novel is of careful study.
A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthiness
4. The newspaper featured an article about the nation’s economic future.
Comparing prices is an economical way to shop for groceries.
5. The artist’s imaginative use of color delighted the critics.
The doctor believed that all of Bill’s problems were imaginary.
6. Take an umbrella in case of rain.
Poverty depresses most people. in the case of my father, it was otherwise.
7. She is out of question the best student in the class.
It’s out of the question to ask him to do it.
8. Mr. Johnson is in charge of the factory.
The boy is in the charge of his uncle.
9. Her handwriting is familiar me.
I am familiar the project.
A. with B. for C. on D. to
10. There is a refrigerator in the corner of the room.
There is a cinema on the corner of the street.
11. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. Continual interruptions impede continuous
12. No ______ discussion is necessary. (farther, further)
13. It is sensible of him to seize the opportunity. My skin is sensitive to cold. Don’t indulge
yourself in sensual pleasure. (明智的,敏感的,物欲的)
14. prize – reward
15. weather – climate
16. fee 手续费,服务费,
fare 车船费,车旅费,
bill 帐单,清单,菜单
17. She has a childlike love for a doll.
The man is rather childish.
18. Our institute _____ in the east of the city. It’s Sunday. Many people are _____ on the grass
in the garden enjoying the sun while some workers are busy _____ bricks across the river.
A. lay B. lied C. lain D. laying
E. laid F. lies G. lying H. lieing
lie lied lied lying
lie lay lain lying
lay laid laid laying
19. When I walked past the window, I heard them _____ with each other.
A. speaking B. saying C. talking D. telling
She said that she wouldn’t come. He told the students a story.
He talked with me about music. He can speak several languages.
20. This pair of shoes does not me. Red and black are colours that _____ me very
A. fit B. match C. couple D. suit
21. Up to now, he ______ to a single one of our questions.
A. has answered B. replied
C. has not replied D. has not answered
22. I prefer swimming _________ football.
A. than playing B. to playing C. than play D. to play
He would prefer at home than go out in such bad weather.
A. staying B. having stayed C. to stay D. stay
23. refuse, decline, deny, reject
24. On hearing the joke, she couldn’t refrain from laughing. If you can’t restrain your dog from
biting people, you’d better shut him up.
25. They substituted red balls blue balls to see if the baby would notice.
They replaced blue balls red balls to see if the baby would notice.
A. by B. with C. in D. for
26. The pictures ______ her of the village where she spent her holidays last summer.
I can’t _______ what happened then.
I can still _______ her face.
A. remember B. recall C. call D. remind
27. The prohibit children _______ in the river.
They forbid children ________ in the river.
A. to swim B. in swimming
C. from swimming D. on swimming
28. They ____ their quarrel in a friendly way. It was no easy thing for him to ______ the
A. solved B. settle C. made D. dealt
Solve a problem (a mystery, a puzzle, difficulties)
Settle a question (an argument, a quarrel, a matter, an affair, a claim)
29. Between, among, amidst
Dalian is _______ the most beautiful cities in China. The bus runs _______ Beijing and Tianjing. He stood firm ________ in temptations. They groped ________ the darkness.
A. between B. among C. around D. amidst
30. 代词one 和 that
She doesn’t like this pen, she likes ________ you lent to Jim.
A. that B. the one C. the one D. it
The speed of communications today, as opposed to ______, has greatly altered the manner in
which business is conducted.
A. the one of yesterday B. communications yesterday
C. that of yesterday D. what a long time ago
One 只能代替可数名词,that 则不受限制。That 代替的名词前面通常有定冠词,one 前没有。
31. 一些特殊形容词
alive afraid alone alike ashamed asleep awake aware senior junior superior inferior prior posterior
1. 当几个形容词或其他词共同修饰一个名词时,在意义上同名词越密切的词越靠近该名词。由远至近,顺序如下:
1) 冠词、指示词 a, an , the, this, that
2) 所有格 my, your, our, Mary’s
3) 序数词 first, second
4) 基数词 one, two,
5) 表示特性或性质的词 good, bad, beautiful
6) 大小、长短、高度little, big, long, short
7) 年龄、温度 young, old, warm, hot
8) 形态 round, square, rectangular,
9) 颜色、区域、方位 red, green, northern, eastern, African
10) 作定语的名词 television station
2. 状语位置
She sang _________________.
A. in the hall beautifully last night B. last night beautifully in the hall
C. beautifully last night in the hall D. beautifully in the hall last night
The student worked __________________.
A. well yesterday here B. here well yesterday
C. well here yesterday D. here yesterday well
Those shoes are _____ bigger for me. I like that coat _________.
A. very much B. quite C. rather D. too E. very
Very much 修饰动词;
quite, pretty, very, fairly 修饰形容词或副词原级;
much, far, rather, a lot, a little, two/three times 修饰比较级。
4. 单复数
foot – feet mouse – mice goose – geese ox – oxen phenomenon – phenomena analysis – analyses datum – data bacterium – bacteria medium – media passer-by – passers-by, sister-in-law – sisters-in-law
________________ left on the table.
A. One and a half banana is B. One and a half bananas is
C. One and a half banana are D. One and a half bananas are
Something, anything, everything, nothing, somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody, each,
every one, either, neither, many a, more than one 名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。
More than one defendant is involved in the case. Nothing in the world moves faster than light.
It is the first time that I ________ her sing.
A. have heard B. heard C. had heard D. hear
It is the best (worst, most interesting) film I __________.
A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. am seeing
The flower ______ sweet at night.
A. is smelled B. smells C. will be smelled D. has been smelled
The dish tastes delicious. The cloth feels very soft. This type of recorder sells well. Ripe oranges peel easily. The meat is cooking. The coat requires mending. The children need looking after. 主动语态表示被动意义。
Don’t say anything unless __________.
A. be asked B. asked C. being asked D. have asked
若状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语里含有be 动词,可将从句的主语及be 动 词省略。
When asking the teacher, he was polite. Although frightened, he managed to finish the task. If taken good care, the bird can live as long as five years.
Passage 1
The patient was lying __1__ bed after a minor operation. His friend asked him__2__ he was getting along.
“Pretty well,” was the answer. “__3__ my first operation, they had to cut me __4__ again. It seems the __5__ had left a sponge __6___ me and they ___7__ to get that __8__.”
“But you got __9__ it all right?”
“Oh, yes, only I had __10__ operation yesterday. They __11__ a scalpel which had ___12__
sewed up in me __13__ mistake.”
“Surely you’re all __14__ now, though,” the friend said __15___. ___16__ the patient suddenly __17__ nervous again, ___18__ just then the surgeon hurried through the ward saying: “__19__ anyone seen my hat around here? I left __20__ somewhere yesterday.”
Passage 2
Tom Brown was a good boxer. He had a 1 pair of very powerful fists that he never used 2 ordinary times. He was very successful 3 boxing and had 4 many championships.
On one of his holiday 5 trips in a small town, he happened to see two men attacking a young lady 6 he was driving his car along a back street. Mr. Brown immediately stopped the car and rushed 7 to help the girl. “Get 8 my car,” Mr. Brown shouted 9 the girl. “Drive to the police station. Quick!”
When the policemen came, they found that the two men 10 gone and a young gentleman was 11 on the ground,
Lie(lied, lied, lying), lie (lay, lain, lying), lay (laid, laid, laying) beaten 12 black and blue. “Why, this is Mr. Brown, our great champion!” One of 13 them had now 14recognized him. “Why didn’t you fight 15 but let them hit you like this?” asked another. “You’re strong 16 to beat four of them 17 your fists!” “But I haven’t got my 18 ,” answered Mr. Brown calmly. “A boxer must never go to fight 19 his gloves on. That’s one of our 20 rules .”
Passage 3
Two friends 1 traveling together through a forest. 2 of them said: “If we meet any wild beasts, I’ll help you 3 you’ll help me.” “That’s fine,” said his friend, and they walked 4 .
Suddenly a big bear ran out 5 behind a tree. The man 6 said he would help his friend 7 once got up a tree and 8 himself among the leaves. The other man could not climb trees. So he 9 himself on the ground, closed his eyes and 10 to be dead. The bear came up and sniffed 11 the man’s head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears. The man 12 his breath. The bear thought he was dead and walked 13 , for bears 14 touch dead men. When the bear was gone, and all was 15 , the man in the tree came 16 . 17 a smile, he asked his friend: “What did the bear 18 you when he put his nose so close to your ears?” “Well,” said his friend, “the bear said: “Don’t 19 those who leave their friends the 20
they get into difficulty!”
Passage 4
At one time Einstein traveled all over the United States giving lectures. He traveled 1 car, and soon became quite friendly 2 the driver. The driver always listened to Einstein’s 3 , which the great Scientist 4 again and again. One day, he told Einstein that he know the lecture 5 well that he was 6 he could give it himself. Einstein smiled and said, “ 7 don’t you give the lecture for me next time?” the driver 8 .
That evening 9 of them went along to the lecture hall. Nobody there had seen Einstein before. 10 the driver took his place on the 11 everybody clapped. Then he began the lecture. Sure enough, he did not 12 a simple mistake. It was a great success, and when it was 13 , people clapped and clapped. Then he started to leave, 14 hands with every body, 15
Einstein followed quietly a few steps 16. Just before they got 17 the door, a man stopped them and asked the driver a very difficult question. The driver listened carefully. Of course, he did not understand a thing, but he nodded his head as if he 18 . When the man stopped talking, the driver said that he thought the question was very interesting 19 really quite simple. In fact, in order to 20 how simple it was, he would ask his driver to answer it!
Passage 5
My First Day in the United States I arrived 1 the United States 2 February 6, 1966, hut I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting 3 me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very 4 and it was snowing, but I was too excited 5 mind. From the airport, my friend and I 6 a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared 7 astonishment at the
famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back work. He promised to return the next day. Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t 8 a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter 9 I wanted. I was
very upset and started to 10 some gestures, but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I 11 the same thing the man 12 the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I 13 to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge crowds of people. I did not 14 tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything 15 my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try. When I 16 to hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn’t 17 because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the night. I lay 18 and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city 19 many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I 20 to learn to speak English.

