
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:06:14 11:21:10
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Since my last message of Christmas greetings to you all, the world has 1)witnessed many great events and 2)sweeping changes. But they are already part of the long record of history. Now, as ever, the important time for mankind is the future. The coming years are full of hope and 3)promise, and their course can still be shaped by our will and action. The Christmas message of peace on earth, goodwill toward men, remains the same. But we can only achieve this if we are all truly 4)ambitious for what is good and honorable. 5)Humanity can only make progress by 6)determination and concerted effort. One such concerted effort has been the campaign to free the world from hunger. I’m very happy to know that the people of the 7)Commonwealth have responded so 8)generously to this campaign. Much has been achieved but there is still much to do and on this day of 9)reunions and 10)festivities in the glow of Christmas. Let us remember the many 11)undernourished people, young and old, 12)scattered throughout the world. All my family joins me in sending every one of you best wishes for Christmas and may God’s blessing be with you, in the coming year!



1) witness[5witnis]v. 见证

2) sweeping [5swi:piN] a. 广泛的,规模大的

3) promise [5prCmis] n. 繁荣

4) ambitious [Am5biFEs]a. 有雄心的

5) humanity [hju:mAniti] n. 人性

6) determination [ditE:mi5neiFEn] n.决心

7) the Commonwealth 英联邦

8) generously [5dVenEsli] adv. 宽大地

9) reunion [ri:ju:njEn] n. 重聚

10) festivity[fe5stiviti] n. 庆祝

11) undernourished[QndE5nQriFd] a.半饱的

12) scatter [5skAtEr]v. 分散,分布

