21. compatible: compatible family relationships. compatible color TV system
22. complex: a complex system of voting. a complex sentence the development of iron and steel complex the increasing complexity of modern weapon systems
23. concise: a concise dictionary
24. concrete: make a concrete analysis of concrete problems. concrete mixer
25. confident: be confident of success. lack of confidence in herself
26. conscientious: a conscientious worker. be far from conscientious
27. conscious: be conscious of her shortcomings. remain fully conscious after the accident consciousness of responsibility
28. conservative: Conservative party. a conservative estimate. regard him as a conservative
29. considerable: receive considerable acclaim. a considerable issue in the campaign
30. consistent: be consistent with what you do. his consistent support of free trade. question the consistency of the administration’s actions with its stated policy
31. contemporary: a contemporary literature writer
32. critical: a critical analysis of his painting. a critical decision. at critical point
33. crucial: at the crucial moment. a crucial election
34. curious: be curious about the world around us
35. decent: decent language and decent behavior
36. deliberate: taking deliberate action. a deliberate murder
37. delicate: delicate plants. a delicate piece of embroidery. a delicate situation
38. dense: a dense population. a large and dense jungle. area with high densities of immigrants
39. desirable: a desirable job in the film industry. a computer with many desirable features
40. destructive: be destructive to the morals of youth. a destructive fire