文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:06:11 11:54:17
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
202. package: convenience package. a package of deals. carry out a package of agreements
203. panel: an aircraft’s control panel. a panel of experts set up to investigate the accident
204. parade: take part in a celebration parade.
parade through the Main Street to advertise its forthcoming performance
205. paradox: It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people
206. pastime: His favorite pastime is singing and dancing.
207. patent: national patent.
the innovation has been patented by the government.
patent right
208. patron: a patron of the art museum. a special price for our regular patrons
209. peak: at the peak of the morning rush hour.
Sales tend to peak before the holidays
210. peer: children who are easily influenced by their peers.
peer at the traffic lights
211. perspective: forecast the perspective of our economy.
view the problem in the proper perspective
212. pillar: a pillar of the state
213. pilot: a pilot lamp.
pilot us through the factory.
a pilot project
214. plague: a fresh outbreak of plague of rats.
plague him with a lot of questions
215. plea: make a plea for an increase in salary. the judge questioned him about his guilty plea
216. pledge: make a pledge of money to a charity.
pledge to help his poor classmate
217. plug: stop up a leak with a plug.
plug the hole in the bucket
218. poison: rat poison. commit suicide by taking poison.
poison the mind of the youth
The soil has been poisoned by chemical waste from the factory
219. poll: opinion poll. organize a poll to elect a president
220. post: send letters by post. have a post as a cook. a boundary post.
post warning notices. post up a set of rules for the house