
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:05:03 14:30:13
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

澳大利亚大使馆签证处: 我是一名申请2002年学士学位课程的申请人,我的名字: , 生日: 。以下是我所附加的材料: 1. (X ) 材料清单 -------------------------------Part 1 -------------------------------------------------- 2. (X ) 签证申请费(汇票) 3. (X ) 声明 4. (X) 填写完整的学生临时申请表157A表 5. (X) 填写完整的家庭成员表 54表 -------------------------------Part 2 -------------------------------------------------- 6. (X) University of Wollongong大学录取原件信函 7. (X) 雅思成绩的原件 8. (X) 学位公证书和清晰复印件 9. (X) 学历公证书和清晰复印件 10. (X) 成绩单原件及公证书 -------------------------------Part 3 -------------------------------------------------- 11. (X) 填写完整的经济状况明细表 12. (X) 父母资助声明 13. (X) 存款资金说明 14. (X) 上海银行存款证明 (2份) 15. (X) 上海银行存单复印件( 4份) 16. (X) 利息清单原件( 2 份)及利息清单公证书( 2 份) 17. (X) 中国工商银行存款证明 (1份) 18. (X) 中国工商银行存单复印件( 2份) -------------------------------Part 4 -------------------------------------------------- 19. (X) 出生公证书 20. (X) 经历公证书 21. (X) 申请人本人单位开出 注有其工作职务,工资和其他收入以及工作年限的 公函原件 22. (X) 申请人本人单位开出 同意赴澳学习的同意函 23. (X) 申请人本人单位领导的推荐信 24. (X) 申请人本人单位开出 公司名称变更证明及证明材料 25. (X) 申请人本人近两个月的工资条 26. (X) 申请人本人单位介绍资料 27. (X) 申请人本人历年所得部分证书复印件 28. (X) 申请人父亲单位开出注有其工作职务,工资和其他收入以及工作年限的 公函原件 29. (X) 申请人父亲单位开出 公司名称变更证明 30. (X) 申请人父亲单位的营业执照复印件、资产负债表、会计报表(损益表) 31. (X) 申请人母亲单位开出注有其工作职务,工资和其他收入以及工作年限的 公函原件 32. (X) 申请人母亲单位 名称变更证明及证明材料 -------------------------------Part 5 -------------------------------------------------- 33. (X) 户口本每一页清晰复印件 34. (X) 申请人的护照复印件 35. (X) 家庭成员的居民身份证复印件 36. (X) 个人陈述 37. (X) 拒签信复印件 38. (X) 未婚公证书 39. (X) 无犯罪公证书 40. (X) 四张写有中文姓名及地址的不干胶的地址条 41. (X) 六张近期护照像片 如果您需要更多的申请资料, 请在方便时候尽早通知我。对于您认真地考虑我的申请,我致以十分地感谢!您诚挚的申请人: APPLICATION CHECK LIST To Whom It May Concern: April 25, 2002 I’m a candidate applying for the student visa of Australia for my undergraduate program in 2002. My name is. My birthday is . Enclosed are my application materials. They are: 1. (X) Application check list -------------------------------Part 1 -------------------------------------------------- 2. (X) Declaration 3. (X) Payment of the visa application charge in 290 AU$, by Money Order 4. (X) Completed Application for a Student (Temporary) Visa - Form 157A 5. (X) Completed Family Composition - Form 54 -------------------------------Part 2 -------------------------------------------------- 6. (X) A Original Letter of conditional Offer from Australian University of Wollongong 7. (X) Certificate showing applicant’s IELTS Score 8. (X) Notarial Certificate of Academic Degree and a Clear photocopy of Academic Degree 9. (X) Notarial Certificate of Academic Qualification and a Clear photocopy of Academic Qualification 10. (X) Notarial Certificate of Academic Record and an Original Transcript of academic Record -------------------------------Part 3 -------------------------------------------------- 11. (X) Completed Financial Analysis - Summary Sheet 12. (X) Financial Support Statement 13. (X) Financial Summary 14. (X) 2 Certificates of Deposit from Bank of Shanghai 15. (X) 4 photo copies of bank slips of Bank of Shanghai 16. (X) 2 Notarial Certificates of interest slip and 2 original interest slips 17. (X) A Certificate of Deposit from ICBC 18. (X) 2 photo copies of bank slips of ICBC -------------------------------Part 4 -------------------------------------------------- 19. (X) Notarial Certificate of Birth 20. (X) Notarial Certificate of Work Experiences 21. (X) Certificate of Employment and Income from applicant’s employer (Detailing positions held, salaries and other forms of income received, and dates of employment with that organization.) 22. (X) Letter of agreement from applicant’s employer 23. (X) Recommendation from applicant’s employer 24. (X) Statement of name changing from applicant’s employer and materials to support 25. (X) Applicant’s original salary slips from last 2 months 26. (X) Materials on introduction of applicant’s employer 27. (X) Copies of some Awards and Scholarships of Applicant 28. (X) Certificate of Employment and Income from applicant’s father’s employer 29. (X) Statement of name changing from applicant’s father’s employer 30. (X) Clear photocopy of business license, balance sheet, income statement from applicant’s father’s employer. 31. (X) Certificate of Employment and Income from applicant’s mother’s employer 32. (X) Statement of name changing from applicant’s mother’s employer and materials to support. -------------------------------Part 5 -------------------------------------------------- 33. (X) A clear photocopy of each page of my family registration book 34. (X) A clear photocopy of each ID card of my family members 35. (X) Clear photocopy of each page of passport of applicant 36. (X) Personal Statement 37. (X) A clear photocopy of letter not granting a student visa. 38. (X) Notarial Certificate of Non-marriage 39. (X) Notarial Certificate of Not Having Criminal Record 40. (X) Four completed self adhesive name and address labels in Chinese characters 41. (X) Six passport sized photographs If any further material is required for my application, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Your favorable consideration of my application will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours: 澳大利亚华人论坛