
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:05:03 14:13:00
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网


1. 所有的学生签证申请仍然需要寄往阿德莱德的Offshore Processing Centre,申请人至少应当在课程开始前16周提出签证申请。

2. 571学生签证的申请在OPC完成初步审理和建档后,将转往澳大利亚驻北京大使馆继续审理

3. 除571签证以外的其它学生签证类别将完全由OPC审理,除非该项申请因需要特别调查被转往澳大利亚驻北京大使馆

4. 除571签证以外,其它类别的申请人将直接从OPC获得有关签证的讯息和决定

5. 各教育机构目前仍需要向澳大利亚驻北京大使馆提交eCoE

6. 571签证的申请人需要将eCoE的书面副本递交给澳大利亚驻北京大使馆,而其它各类别学生签证申请人需要等待OPC的PVA通过信来确定他们需要将eCoE的书面副本寄往何处。

7. 通过Agent申请的学生需要将Agent的信息提供在956表格上,如果隐瞒不报,将受到DIMIA的特别调查而耽误申请速度。

8. 任何有关571签证申请的询问需要联络澳大利亚驻北京大使馆,而其它各类别的申请需要直接询问澳大利亚的OPC

9. 2003年2月3日之前的所有申请将由澳大利亚驻北京大使馆完成审理

10. 北京使馆将继续估计ECOE和护照发签证粘纸,将来如果护照不要邮寄到北京将另行通知。

11. 学校的留位证明信上必须包含一下内容:

2) 课程名称和CRICOS号码
3) 课程开始及结束日期

Information for Education Providers
Adjustments to processing arrangements for Peoples Republic of China (PRC) passport holders in the PRC who lodge their application from 3 February 2003.
All student applications by PRC passport holders in the PRC will continue to be lodged through Adelaide Offshore Processing Centre (OPC). Students should lodge applications at least 16 weeks prior to course commencement.

All schools (subclass 571) sector applications will be forwarded to Beijing for finalisation after initial registration and file creation by Adelaide OPC.

All other sectors (subclass 570 and subclasses 572-576) will be fully processed by Adelaide OPC except those cases that require additional scrutiny and are passed to Beijing for finalisation.

Applicants/agents should expect to receive acknowledgment letters, requests for further information and decision letters directly from Adelaide OPC in relation to all sectors other than the Schools Sector (subclass 571).

Education Providers should continue to direct all electronic confirmations of enrolment (eCoEs) to Beijing until further notice.

Preliminary assessment (PVA) letters will advise applicants for subclasses 570 and 572-575 which office they must send the hard copy certificate of the eCoE to. In the Schools Sector (subclass 571) both eCoEs and hard copy certificates will be required by Beijing for processing.

Where applicants use agents they should be declared on the 956 form attached to the back of the student application form 157A. DIMIA analysis has assessed that where an agent is not declared the risk level is higher. Where it is suspected that an agent has been used but not declared, additional scrutiny of such applications may result in processing delays.

Any information requests about application procedures should be directed to Adelaide OPC. Case progress requests for Schools Sector subclass 571 should be directed to Beijing, requests in relation to all other sectors should be directed to Adelaide OPC.

All applications received prior to 3 February 2003 will be finalised by Beijing.

In all cases, Beijing will continue to evidence visa labels in passports. Passports should not be sent to Beijing until requested.

Providers are reminded that letters of offer must contain the following information:

provider name and CRICOS code
course name and CRICOS code
expected start and end dates
course costs
student name and date of birth



1. 所有的学生签证申请仍然需要寄往阿德莱德的Offshore Processing Centre,申请人至少应当在课程开始前16周提出签证申请。

2. 571学生签证的申请在OPC完成初步审理和建档后,将转往澳大利亚驻北京大使馆继续审理

3. 除571签证以外的其它学生签证类别将完全由OPC审理,除非该项申请因需要特别调查被转往澳大利亚驻北京大使馆

4. 除571签证以外,其它类别的申请人将直接从OPC获得有关签证的讯息和决定

5. 各教育机构目前仍需要向澳大利亚驻北京大使馆提交eCoE

6. 571签证的申请人需要将eCoE的书面副本递交给澳大利亚驻北京大使馆,而其它各类别学生签证申请人需要等待OPC的PVA通过信来确定他们需要将eCoE的书面副本寄往何处。

7. 通过Agent申请的学生需要将Agent的信息提供在956表格上,如果隐瞒不报,将受到DIMIA的特别调查而耽误申请速度。

8. 任何有关571签证申请的询问需要联络澳大利亚驻北京大使馆,而其它各类别的申请需要直接询问澳大利亚的OPC

9. 2003年2月3日之前的所有申请将由澳大利亚驻北京大使馆完成审理

10. 北京使馆将继续估计ECOE和护照发签证粘纸,将来如果护照不要邮寄到北京将另行通知。

11. 学校的留位证明信上必须包含一下内容:

2) 课程名称和CRICOS号码
3) 课程开始及结束日期

Information for Education Providers
Adjustments to processing arrangements for Peoples Republic of China (PRC) passport holders in the PRC who lodge their application from 3 February 2003.
All student applications by PRC passport holders in the PRC will continue to be lodged through Adelaide Offshore Processing Centre (OPC). Students should lodge applications at least 16 weeks prior to course commencement.

All schools (subclass 571) sector applications will be forwarded to Beijing for finalisation after initial registration and file creation by Adelaide OPC.

All other sectors (subclass 570 and subclasses 572-576) will be fully processed by Adelaide OPC except those cases that require additional scrutiny and are passed to Beijing for finalisation.

Applicants/agents should expect to receive acknowledgment letters, requests for further information and decision letters directly from Adelaide OPC in relation to all sectors other than the Schools Sector (subclass 571).

Education Providers should continue to direct all electronic confirmations of enrolment (eCoEs) to Beijing until further notice.

Preliminary assessment (PVA) letters will advise applicants for subclasses 570 and 572-575 which office they must send the hard copy certificate of the eCoE to. In the Schools Sector (subclass 571) both eCoEs and hard copy certificates will be required by Beijing for processing.

Where applicants use agents they should be declared on the 956 form attached to the back of the student application form 157A. DIMIA analysis has assessed that where an agent is not declared the risk level is higher. Where it is suspected that an agent has been used but not declared, additional scrutiny of such applications may result in processing delays.

Any information requests about application procedures should be directed to Adelaide OPC. Case progress requests for Schools Sector subclass 571 should be directed to Beijing, requests in relation to all other sectors should be directed to Adelaide OPC.

All applications received prior to 3 February 2003 will be finalised by Beijing.

In all cases, Beijing will continue to evidence visa labels in passports. Passports should not be sent to Beijing until requested.

Providers are reminded that letters of offer must contain the following information:

provider name and CRICOS code
course name and CRICOS code
expected start and end dates
course costs
student name and date of birth

