作文版本83,阅读34,听力34 听力 第一部分:关于租房,涉及到租用各种家具和电器。1-3题是选择题,第一题选A house with a pool,第二题选the house near the food shop(注:我的同学选A,near the bus stop,但我听到near the shop与题目一致)。第三题week after week的租借形式便宜。4-7多选题,从不同家电中选出5种要租的家电,记得有desk, cooking room furniture,bed,fridge其它忘了,但第一个家具读的很明显,其他会有干扰选项。8-10填空,第八题是租金为20 pounds per week, 第九题是全套家具包括insurance。第十题填Saturday。 第二部分:介绍学校和奖学金。3道填空,填拿这个学校的奖学金有什么好处。其他都是选择题,记得好象有课程是course to course, 课间应该relaxing,liberary is very big,the liberary is near the building(说话人所处的楼)等。
Section 2: Engilish learning What is your favourit English course? What make you feel interesting in English learning?
Secion 3: What should be changed in learning language in my country? What other language can I speak? Why do you learn English and how do you feel it important? What is the difficulties when foreigners learn Chinese? What do you think that is the difficulties in Engilish learning? 总结老外评分标准:当你回答每一个问题时,老外都会根据你的语速,语音,错误及时评分。当他/她听到较好的语句时会点头批分,不用担心听不清楚,当你很难回答一个问题是,可以假装听不清楚,考官会重复好几次直到不耐烦换话题,我就这样,考官临走是照样说我Speak quite good,并与我握手。