8:30分左右,开始进入考场。考官问:"Number?" 我直接"yi--er--san--si--",猛然反映这位大姐听不懂,所以我就很handsome的smile for her,"one -- two -- three -- four".这个考官长相特别向华裔,我们考场有的甚至说是国内考官:)我旁边这位老大竟然没有来考试,有什么比1255银子重要的事情,可见确实有的人有钱。刚刚开始考试我们这位大姐就犯了一个大错。她总在摆弄她的耳机,可怜我们这些考生耳朵里面全是垃圾。我第一个空就压根没有听见。
中午去丈母娘家吃饭的时候,心情是相当的好,感觉考的不错。没有想到下午口语考试遭遇滑铁路,我老师本分的人。从来没有参加或举行过party,偏偏我的topic就是party,问best party,diffierence between family party and formal party,how to hold a formal party,introduce a national party......我都快要crazy了,本来speaking可是我的强项,她NN的/。/。///。。/。/
Reading: section 1: part 1:一个提供工作机会的海报 easy part 2:一个关于oversea driver license 的使用注意事项 D T T,没有Immigrate的 问题 part 3:忘记了
section 2: 一位大哥上函授,原因是B(promote the work piotential) 不商夜校是因为C(home is isloated),推荐其他的同事是因为(呵呵 忘记了,不过都 很简单) 然后到part 2 是 5个TRUE FALSE 题型 我记得是 FALSE TRUE FALSE NOT GIVen Not Given part 3 很简单,讲函授的好处,题目是个Matching..
Section 3:讲一个无聊的科学家研究 bee 跳舞,还得了什么Nobel Prize, part 1 的 段落matching, 除了第一个有些不确定以外,其他都很简单 part 2 填出密封三种舞姿的名称,很简单,介绍的时候就给出了,只有第三个到了后面才给出 是 Waggle part 3 忘记了
writing task 1: You work a t a local company and want to take a training course at another city,write a letter to your manager. *the detail of the course *the reason you take the course * how much time you want to take off your work
Task 2: Computer Internet and mobile phone discuss the positive and negative effects.
Speaking: what s your name. How about your daily work. Who cook in your family?How often do you cook? Do you think is it useful of cooking book? about Museum?(机井里都有)
Cue card the best party! part 3: Diffirece from the family party and formal party. If you hold a party,how do you organize it? a national party. Do you think it useful? why?