阅读:Version: 45 需提醒的是第三部分:关于艺术课程的四选一填空,有二题混淆性很大。 第三题是讲修读课程的OFF-CAMPUS学生必须在十年内完成课程,其中如果因为生病或其他客观因素引起而不能就读的年限除外,但必须提供书面证明并得到有关部门的同意才能有效。其中二个答案混淆性很大。一个是必须以文字的形式申请,二是书面证明必须得到所读专业系的同意。我选的是前一个,因为文章没有提到要得到系的同意, 第四题是如果学生已经在职业学生修过同类学科并取得相应学位,或是就读过同类内容并已取得学分并打算进步一步深造的学生,可以免读第一级课程,而直接读第二级课程。选项一是学生在学生在学校取得了相应学位,选项二是在离开学校后就读过同类内容。我选一,如果是多选题,其实二题都对,但选项二多了个离校后, 这二题混淆性很大,现在觉得容易是因为我将它们翻译成了中文,但看原文很难区分出来,属于典型难题。 第四部分讲的是LONDON SMOG,T F NOTGIVEN,注意不能过分推理,遵照解题原则。最后一题易混淆,本人分析了五分钟才决定选TRUE,如以后考生不够时间可直接选对。
作文:version 91 1。You live in a rented apartment inside a building, You keep your bicycle on entrance hall of the building, and your neighbors complain it to the caretaker, now you write a letter to caretaker: 1. explain your situation 2. the reason you have to keep the bicycle 3. give your solution to this problem
2. The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home agree or disagree
Oral English 1. what is your full name/ are you working or are you a student/ what do you do/describe you typical working day/how do you think of clothes and fashion/ 2.Cute card: You are required to describe a type of film you like and tell the interviewer: 1. What type of film do you like ? 2. How often do you watch them? 3.What features does this type of film have? 3. And the following questions 1. Do you think people would adjust their taste to film as they are growing older? 2. How do you think of the films in twenty years? 3. Do you think TV would take the place of cinema? 4. What kind of negative impact does film bring to people? 5. Do you think Chinese films would be popular in other countries? 6. what kind of film do people like at your age?