因为时差关系,其实就是国内的24号,5个小时前刚烤完新鲜出炉(好象有点凉了~~:) l/v35 s2开头选景点开放时间3题,s4最后tutor推荐书目做得胸闷! r/v42?(记不清了)是套老题,s1 children rainforest survey s2 map s3 morse code w/v94 t1 GDP growth t2 women working outside
s/stage1 /分割都为独立小问题 name/hometown/street/cloth u like/最绝得她nnd问我10前我穿的衣服和现在的difference 答曰我哪记得10前我穿什么衣服/museum in ur city and country/ kind of popular/usually visit museum?(谁吃撑了天天去逛museum)/museum ticket/该不该free
stage2 cue card which country u want to visit (答us) which part (city) of that country (答NY reason 1th us heart 2nd 去看看时髦中心现在啥样子,听说老美在建911纪念馆) when u will visit (最简单,去读博)
stage3 1.have u even met american(晕菜,你以为老美是alien啊!) 2.有没有美国朋友(我答没,股摸答有的就问些relationship的问题) 3.答没老美朋友,就问些vocation相关的题 爱去哪vocation 4.哪种vocation流行 5.benefits of vocation 6.结束问题有点无耻,让我比较出去旅游和stay at home