阅读: dection1: (配对,true/faulse) 一张工作时间与相应的休息时间的对照表。然后申请员工餐必须参加每年一次的体检。如果有病要报告manage board. Section2: (配对,true/faulse) 医疗中心(medical center)的介绍. If you want to cancel a appointment. Call them in advance. Register time, 3 nurses. Receptionist. Section3: 多选,true/faulse 澳洲一所college introduction. 主要讲结合社会实践需要。学科多,可双修。就业率高。与各大公司,社区的实习项目。学计算机等最后一年可直接在校外公司上班。还有成年人教育和语言学校。 Section4: 多选,true/faulse, before/during/after 1666年伦敦大火灾。Eradicate plague, city rebuilt, city design.
写作: task1: you took your family to a local restaurant. You found their meal is very good. Write to the newspaper. You want the restaurant be recommended to other people. task2: computer and telephone. Choose one. to explain how it affect the way of our life. Do you think it’s positive or negative. Give your reason.