5.14 英国口语回忆大全
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:04:03 14:08:36
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
本来应该发到51已经开的回忆贴里面去,但是看到已经被大家顶的很后了,怕看不到我的回忆,于是新开了一个,希望能给大家些帮助。由于快考大学了,我们基本上整个学校:foundation 和a-level都有很多人在5.14这天考试~~郁闷阿~~听力怎么好像都是新题,难。。。废话少说。以下是我收集的口语题(part 2):
1.describe a plant
2.describe a time u enjoy in a day(以下省略describe)
3.ur personality
4. a useful website
5.a company(ur friend or family work there)
6.a old person in ur family
7.a sport activity
8.ur favourite music
9.a wild animal
10.a famous person
11.a clothes
13.a positive gift u received in ur childwood
14.a house or flat u lived
15.a long distance travel
16.a type of holiday
17.a member of ur family