整个过程就像对者一部机器说话.就像对着他的题目本子照读! 基本上没有理你的反应是什么,她问的都是一样的。 PII 没有让你多说,基本上45秒-1分钟就叫你停了。 Part III 她不断的切换话题,使你乱。
Part 1 what s your name? which region have most poplation in your country? what s main industry in china? Is there any lastest industry will develop recently in your contry?
加上几个关于population 和 Industry 的问题
Part II
Book or Story you have read
Part III
what is the role of book in education in your country? Is there any book except text book you have read? in your opinion,what make some book poplular so long?
is there any library in your city? do you think the young will go to the public library? what should we do for further improvement for library?