考前看了一些贴子 20号问了两个同学的topic 一个是电影的种类 一个是小孩玩的游戏(要注意:我同学准备说foolball,结果才说一句就被考官打断。一定要说游戏呀!!!) 和13号的差不多 以下是我的口语考试内容 part1 what`your name how can i call you tell me sth about your hometown is any special in your hometown tell me someting about the street in your hometown did you ever go to a museum what`s kind of museun is most popular in china what`s kind of sports you like most is women interested in sports end of part1
part2 activity when did you begin this activity the benefit of the activity 还有一个问题不记得了 我先问他可不可以说sport,他点头(暗喜)
part3 is the activity depend on the age of people does the habit or activity of a people will change 还有一个问题不记得了 他只问了我3个问题 而且还在不停的看表 估计是这个帅哥的肚子饿了(我是11:50考的)