我11月23号考了A类 Stage1 1.where is your hometown? 2.can you tell me sth about the street you live in? 3.what do you like best in the street? 4.who does the most cooking in your family? 5.do you like cooking? 6.how do chinese learn cooking? 7.what sport do chinese people like best? 8.do people prefer watching match than to play?
Stage2 The party you had ever held 1.when was it held? 2.why was it held? 3.why it is special? 我讲的是我高中转学,我的同学给我举行了一个Goodbye Party,我还没说我们在Party做了些什么就给那个老鬼子打断了,气愤!!会不会给很低分啊?我有两个同学在前两次的考试中死在口语上,才5分~~~555555
Stage3 1.how do chinese celebrate their birthday? 2.what are the difference in celebrating birthday between present and past in you r life? 3.what is the most factor in hold a good party? 鬼子说下面我们discuss international celebration,我心惊肉跳,总觉得他转得很快. 4.are there some important international celebration?(我national day 5.how does national come to your country? 6.why it is important? 7.what do you usually do on that day?(我居然说了看电视,救命~~~) 8.is it a serious issue among young people? 差不多就是这些,还有少少不记得了. Steven,你说鬼子会给我多少分啊??? YOURS ECHO