can you tell me your name? Id card? study or work? what are you doing in your caompany? who cook in you home? how chinese learn cooking? Do you think the cook books is useful? what is the popular sports in you country? what s the difference between male and female? Is the fast food popular in your country?why?
seaction two: card happy event what is it? when and where? who with you? why is happy
由于这部分也准备过,可能语速稍快了些,用了不到两分种就说完了,感觉有点失败。至于“where?"我就说他们老外常去的地方 我还问了一句“do you konw *** bar?"那个老外想也没想就说“sure!a good place",果然绕过了问我怎么去那里的问题!爽!
section tree: what can make people happy? (这个没准备过,所以开始瞎说,“能导致人快乐的因素好多啦~~财富,爱情,甚至是希望。但是我想不同的人有不同的快乐,也许农民的快乐是希望庄稼长得好,生意兴隆会使商人快乐,学业有成能让学生高兴,等等”看得出鬼子挺满意
开始围绕着plan 展开话题: how do you think after five years people will do?
how do you think after fifty years people will do?
can people s plan will be changed?
what is the difference between short term plan and long term plan?
这个时候已经开始发蒙了,不过还是尽力控制语速和语音,并且发觉老外在和我兜圈子,我也只好万变不离其宗,大不了个他套词儿~实在说不出来的我自然就说“you know china is a developing country everthing will be changed in everday. personally I guess that nobody can affirm China s future.Everyone who live in China must change their plan to suit with the situation"