
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:03:24 20:14:42
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

1. I’m very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
A. interfered B. impressed C. offended D. bothered

2. With the constant change of the conditions, the outcome is not always _________.
A. favorable B. predictable C. dependable D. reasonable
3. When people become unemployed, it is _______ which is often worse than lack of wages.
A. laziness B. idleness C. poverty D. inability

4. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling owing to heavy .
A. schedules B. skyscrapers C. speculations D. scolding
5. The price of beer _______ from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.
A. altered B. separated C. ranged D. differed

6. The scientist said that many animals seem to be highly _______ to various signals associated with earthquakes.
A. scared B. resistant C. sensitive D. sensual

7. Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary _______ .
A. investment B. savings C. income D. capital
8. The mayor expressed his gratitude for the timely assistance that people from other cities have kindly _____ to his citizens after the city was struck by the earthquake.
A. rendered B. secured C. sought D. furnished
9. The purpose of the survey was to _______ the inspectors with local conditions.
A. inform B. instruct C. acquaint D. notify

10. The students failed to meet the necessary _______ for admission to the course.
A. fulfillment B. requirements C. qualities D. competency

11. After the theft of his car he put in an insurance _______ for $3 000.
A. account B. receipt C. assessment D. claim
12. ________ a fire, hotel guests will be asked to remain calm.
A. As a result of B. In the event of C. By reason of D. By means of

13. When ________, the duck keeps its eyes and ears closed, using its bill to locate food.
A. submitted B. sunk C. soaked D. submerged

14. As we all know, houses are _______ to be at rest with respect to the earth but the earth itself is not motionless.
A. resumed B. assumed C. speculated D. consumed
15. The whole area of national and local governments was subjected to a thorough financial ______, and inefficiency and waste were attacked.
A. search B. survey C. stability D. strain

16. The employer must ________ that the applicants for the post have the proper qualifications.
A. verify B. justify C. warrant D. perceive
17. Professor Johnson planned to go over my paper sentence by sentence with me in his office this morning, but he hasn’t ______ yet.
A. turned round B. turned up C. turned on D. turned in

18. We hear that miniskirts are coming back into fashion, but I wonder if they’ll really _____ again.
A. rule out B. come on C. catch on D. wear out

19. The government sent a delegation to _______ the matter.
A. look into B. look forward to D. look in C. look down

20. Our firm regrets to inform you that the computers you ordered last month are _______ .
A. out of practice B. out of reach C. out of stock D. out of work

Vocabulary Test 4

1 题:答案为D。interfere 干涉. impress 打动. offend 冒犯. bother 打扰。
2 题:答案为B。favorable 良好的. predictable 可预测的. dependable 可靠的. reasonable 合理的。
3 题:答案为B。laziness 懒惰. idleness 赋闲;poverty 贫穷;inability 无能力;这句话的意思是无事可做往往比没有薪水更糟糕。
4 题:答案为A。schedules 日程,时间表;skyscrapers 摩天大厦;speculations 投机;scolding 责备。
5 题:答案为C。range 在..区间变化;alter 改变;separate 分开;differ 与..不同。
6 题:答案为C。sensitive 敏感的;scared 害怕的;resistant 抵抗的;sensual 肉体感觉的)。
7 题:答案为D。做生意开始的时候需要筹集资capital;investment 投资;savings 积蓄; income 收入。
8 题:答案为A。render assistance and support to sb. 给予某人的帮助;secure 确保;sought 寻找;furnish 供应。
9 题:答案为C。acquaint sb with sth: 使某人熟知某事;inform 告知;instruct 指导;notify 通知。
10 题:答案为B。meet requirements for: 满足对..的要求。Fulfillment 完成;qualities 品质;competency 能力。
11 题:答案为D。an insurance claim: 保险索赔;Account 账目;receipt 收据; assessment 估价。
12 题:答案为B。in the event of: 如果..发生;as a result of 作为..的结果;by reason of 由于,因为;by means of 依靠。
13 题:答案为D。submerged 沉在水里;submitted 被上交的;sunk 凹陷的;soaked 湿透的。
14 题:答案为B。assume 假定;resume 恢复;speculate 推测;consume 消耗。
15 题:答案为B。survey 调查;search 搜寻;stability 稳定;strain 紧张。
16 题:答案为A。verify 验证;justify 证明..是正当的;warrant 保证;perceive 察觉。
17 题:答案为B。turn up 出现;turn round 翻转;turn on 打开;turn in 上交。
18 题:答案为C。catch on 流行;rule out 取消;come on 加油;wear out 筋疲力尽。
19 题:答案为A。look into 调查; look forward to 希望;look down 往下看;look in 顺路拜访。
20 题:答案为C。out of stock 脱销;out of practice 久不练习;out of work 失业。

