question 48) given the following variables char c = c .int i = 10.double d = 10.long l = 1.string s = "hello". which of the following will compile without error? 1)c=c i. 2)s =i. 3)i =s. 4)c =s.
question 49) which of the following will compile without error? 1) file f = new file("/","autoexec.bat"). 2) datainputstream d = new datainputstream( 3) outputstreamwriter o = new outputstreamwriter(system.out). 4) randomaccessfile r = new randomaccessfile("outfile").
question 50) given the folowing classes which of the following will compile without error? interface iface{}class cface implements iface{}class base{}public class obref extends base{ public static void main(string argv[]){ obref ob = new obref(). base b = new base(). object o1 = new object(). iface o2 = new cface(). }} 1)o1=o2. 2)b=ob. 3)ob=b. 4)o1=b.
question 51) given the following code what will be the output? class valhold{ public int i = 10.}public class obparm{public static void main(string argv[]){ obparm o = new obparm(). o.amethod(). } public void amethod(){ int i = 99. valhold v = new valhold(). v.i=30. another(v,i). system.out.print( v.i ). }//end of amethod public void another(valhold v, int i){ i=0. v.i = 20. valhold vh = new valhold(). v = vh. system.out.print(v.i). system.out.print(i). }//end of another} 1) 10030 2) 20030 3) 209930 4) 10020