question 52) given the following class definition, which of the following methods could be legally placed after the comment //here public class rid{ public void amethod(int i, string s){} //here} 1)public void amethod(string s, int i){} 2)public int amethod(int i, string s){} 3)public void amethod(int i, string mystring){} 4) public void amethod(int i, string s) {}
question 53) given the following class definition which of the following can be legally placed after the comment line //here ? class base{public base(int i){}}public class myover extends base{public static void main(string arg[]){ myover m = new myover(10). } myover(int i){ super(i). } myover(string s, int i){ this(i). //here }} 1)myover m = new myover(). 2)super(). 3)this("hello",10). 4)base b = new base(10).
question 54) given the following class definition, which of the following statements would be legal after the comment //here class inout{string s= new string("between"). public void amethod(final int iargs){ int iam. class bicycle{ public void sayhello(){ //here } }//end of bicycle class }//end of amethod public void another(){ int iother. }} 1) system.out.println(s). 2) system.out.println(iother). 3) system.out.println(iam). 4) system.out.println(iargs).