
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:03:10 13:00:17
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网


  directions: talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. you should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. you need to have your name and registration number recorded. start your talk with “my name is...”“my registration number is...”
  1、topic: the discuss what constitutes a healthy way of life
2、question for reference:
  1. what 1. define a healthy way of life in terms of both physical and mental well-being.
  2. what contributes to a healthy way of life? what can man do to help live a healthy way of life?
  3. what factors do you think will prevent one from living such a life? .


  1、part a (英译中)
  passage 1:   
  the in an era dominated by electronics and telecommunications, we can never emphasize too much the importance of change. motorola defines “change” as challenge and opportunity. the past decade has seen motorola seize the opportunities opened up by changes in china and build itself into one of the most successful american investors in the country.
   with a firm commitment and substantial investment, we promote technological progress in china. by doing so, motorola’s brand has become a household name in china. china is both an opportunity and a challenge. we have laid a lot of groundwork, and helped china to implement its own strategy. we will reinvest and bring new technology into china.

  passage 2:
  for most people, almost any place can become a tourist destination as long as it is different from the place where the traveler usually lives. london may not be a tourist attraction to a londoner, but for a new yorker it may have many charms. many big cities offer a unique atmosphere and history. the great wall and the palace museum of beijing, and the cable cars of san francisco are part of the unusual atmosphere of those cities.
  smaller and yet well-known towns and rural areas throughout the world may also have attractions of this kind that tourists visit. an excellent example is the small village town of stratford, shakespeare’s birthplace. of course, natural scenery has always been an attraction for tourists. millions of people have visited niagara falls, for example. its reputation as a place for a honeymoon resort is world-famous.


  part a (英译中)
  passage 1:
  在一个电子与电信占主导地信的时代,我们无论怎样强调变化的重要意义都不会过分。摩托罗拉公司对“变化”所下的定义是,变化既是挑战,又是机会。摩托罗拉公悟在过去十年中抓住了中国的变化带来的机遇, 摩托罗拉公司在过去十年抓住了中国的变化带的机遇,把公司建设成美国在华投资者中最成功的公司之一。
  我们以坚定的参与精神和巨大的投资份额,在中国促进技术进步。正国为如此,摩托罗拉品牌才得以在中国家喻户晓。中国既是机会,又是挑战。 我们已经做了许多基础工作,同时也帮助中国实施自己的战略。我们将再度投资,向中国引进新的技术。
  passage 2:

