
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:03:10 12:07:48
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

(1) Certificate T-bond 来源:www.examda.com

  Certificate T-bond is a main instrument whereby the bank issues T-bonds on behalf of the state, and the banks business offices issue T-bond receipts to the depositors purchasing the T-bonds. The issued amount should be RMB100 at least or any integral multiples of RMB100 if larger but subject an upper limit of RMB500,000. Certificate T-bond is issued by year and issue, includes 2-year-term, 3-year-term and 5-year-term, and is a kind of registered securities, and the investors can handle loss-reporting procedures, redeem them in an intra-city bank, and withdraw the principal and interest at maturity or in advance by the receipts. Certificate T-bonds cannot be redeemed partially in advance, and a 2% commission of the redeemed principal will be charged for any advance redemption. 

  (2) Non-registered T-bond 来源:www.examda.com

  Non-registered T-bond is unitedly printed by the Ministry of Finance of the State Council, has a fixed face value, generally including RMB100, RMB500, RMB1000 etc., and is a kind of unregistered securities, and the investors cannot handle loss-reporting procedures, but redeem the principal and interest at maturity or trade them on the market. Non-registered T-bond is issued by year and issue, includes 2-year-term, 3-year-term, and 5-year-term, can be redeemed at maturity at any a financial institution within the scope of the whole country, and is also an instrument whereby the state issues the T-bonds. 

  (1)凭证式国债 来源:www.examda.com

  凭证式国债是银行代理国家发行国债的一种主要手段,储户购买国债时由银行营业网点签发国债收款凭证。起点金额为100 元人民币,大于100人民币必须是百元的整数倍数,上限金额为50万元人民币。凭证式国债按年度、分期次发行,存期为二年、三年、五年,该凭证为记名凭证,可挂失,可在同一城市内通兑,到期或提前兑付凭凭证支取本息。凭证式国债不得部份提前支取,提前兑付的国债均按兑付本金数的2%收取手续费。

  (2)无记名式国债 来源:www.examda.com


