英文词汇 |
中文释义 |
详细注解 |
All-Ordinaries Index(All-ORD Index) |
所有普通股指数 |
联交所负责编制的第二种指数,于1989年1月2日起推出。与恒生指数或香港指数只选定一组股份为基础不同,这个指数是以在联交所挂牌的全部普通股作为成份股,但同样以“资本市值加权法”来计算。指数的基准日是1986年4月2日,以1000点定为该日指数的基数,每日的指数便是根据当日所有普通股的总市值除以基准日的总市值,再乘以1000而得出。 |
allotment |
证券分配 股票分配 |
1.指公司根据申请人申请(填写在公司提供的申请书上)及预交定金,将股票分配给各申请人。承办发给债券的银行财团,其管理银行将待发行的债券分配给银行财团的成员银行,由它们认购或销售。 2.指证券发行机构对证券认购人或中介人所进行的分配证券的过程。 3.The portion of a new securities issue which is assigned to each member of a syndicate, for underwriting and distribution. |
allottee |
被分予者,接受分配物者 |
Any entity which has subscribed to buy securities in an underwriting. |
Allowance |
折让 备抵 |
1.用于弥补坏账或折旧的准备金。 2.销货数量短少或损坏而自发票金额扣除的部分。 3A sum set aside for an occurrence that may or may not come to pass. For example, funds earmarked for expenses associated with potential bad weather. 4.Funds allocated periodically for a stated purpose, such as a per diem. 5.A discount, especially one offered as a result of specific circumstances. |
allowance for depreciation |
折旧备抵 |
An accumulated expense that writes off the cost of a fixed asset over its expected useful life. |
allowance for doubtful accounts |
坏账备抵 |
An estimated amount of bad debts, to be subtracted from a balance sheet‘s accounts receivable. |
all-risks coverage |
一切险 |
Insurance policy that covers losses from all causes not specifically excluded in the policy. opposite of named peril coverage. |
Alpha |
阿尔法 |
1.用来衡量证券报酬来自市场以外之独特因素的系数。例如某证券的报酬=5%+1.2×市场报酬,代表市场报酬每变动1%,该证券报酬同向变动1.2%;式中的5%是该证券独特因素带来的报酬率,与市场因素无关,该5%即为阿尔法值。 2.英国于1986年金融大改革(Big Bang)之前,对规模及交易量最大的公司股票的分类名称,当时之为阿尔法股票(alpha stocks)。 3.A coefficient measuring the risk-adjusted performance, considering the risk due to the specific security, rather than the overall market. A large alpha indicates that the stock or mutual fund has performed better than would be predicted given its beta (volatility). |
Alphabet stock |
字母股票 |
美国通用汽车公司(General Motors)用于购并用途的股票,这些股票以英文字母命名;例如[E]股票系来自购并电子资料系统公司(Electronic Data Systems);[H]股票系用于购并休斯飞机公司(Hughes Aircraft)。各种字母股票的持有人的投票权不同,其股利也须视特定部门的营运绩效而定。 |
alpha-beta |
阿尔法--贝塔 |
一种投资组合分析方法,旨在检测经理为实现其收益需要冒风险的程度。 |