I.The Role of the Banking Sector in China
financial system
a transition period
massive institutional changeming
inadequate regulatory resources
insufficient self-discipline
policy bank
State Development Bank
Agricultural Development Bank of China
Export and Import Bank of China
separation of policy banking from commercial banking operations
policy-banking institutions
a track of steady development
major infrastructural projects
agricultural development
international trade
joint-equity commercial bank
supervision of the central bank
non-bank financial sector
trust and investment companies
securities firms
finance companies
insurance firm
urban and rural credit cooperatives
a soft landing
retail price index
real GDP growth
a more sustainable rate
robust microeconomic growth
negative impact
Asian financial crisis
external sector
capital inflow
official foreign exchange reserves
stabilization and structural measures
resilience of the Chinese economy
Asian financial market
weakening of global economic activity
strong economic growth
macroeconomic stability
structural improvement
capital market
aggregate financing in the economy
economic and technological development
economic reform |