I.The Role of the Banking Sector in China
the first phase
a mono-bank
policy and commercial banking operations
highly centralized planned economic system
State Council
market forces
diversification of financial institutions
specialized bank
ICBC=Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
ABC=Agricultural Bank of China
BOC=Bank of China
CCB=China Construction Bank
wholly state-owned commercial bank
the Decision on Financial Reform
financial market
financial institution
financial instrument
financial order
to restore financial order
a comprehensive pakage (of)
inflation pressure
sign of overheating
real estate sector
stock markt
structural measures
unification of the RMB exchange rates and foregn exchange market
central banking law
commercial banking law
legal basis
obligation of Article VIII
commitment to RMB current account convertibility
the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund
restrictions on international payments
trade and service transactions
a unified inter-bank money market
liqidity adjustment
gradual shift
direct monetary policy instrument
indirect monetary policy instrument
transmission of monetary policy
effectiveness of macroeconomic management
segregation of banking business from securities and insurance business