TOEIC for Education Providers-Olympia & Leipzig
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:03:10 10:54:03
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Since April 12, 2003 Leipzig has been a candidate for the Olympic Games in 2012. There is a number of reasons why Leipzig has a good chance to win the race:
The region is a composition of distinctive art and culture, centries-long tradition, great history and a modern infrastructure. 来源:考试大
Every year, more than five million people from all over the world come here to experience this for themselves.来源:考试大
The visitors are especially impressed by the flair of these cities - from Baroque to Romanticism, from the Middle Ages to youthful modern times. People are particularly attracted by art and cultural events. 来源:考试大
One essential factor, however, are the people living in Leipzig. We want to open up and invite the finest athlets from all around the world. In order to achive this goal we should be able to communicate in English. 来源:考试大
Thats why the TOEIC Test Centres Leipzig are supporting the preparation for Olympia by providing specialized communication and cross cultural training programs.
For more information send us an email.