1.(1.00001)^2*(0.99999)^2-(1.00002)^2*(0.99998)^2 my ans:-3*(10)^(-10) 【确认】:3*10^(-10)[2-5^(-10)] 思路:设n=1, the equation should be the following one {[n 1*10(-5)]^2 * [n-1*10^(-5)]^2} - {[n 2*10^(-5)][n-2*10^(-5)]}^2 =[n^2 - 10^(-10)]^2 - [n^2 - 4*10^(-10)] ^2= 3*10^(-10)[2-5^(-10)]
2.Tom在下午2:00在某地看见jerry,Tom的速度是60mph,jerry的速度是50mph,2:15时Tom通过某个出口,问jerry什么时候过出口? my ans:2:18 【确认】:2:18 Tom’s speed is 10mph more than jenny’s, and that also mean that Tom’s speed per minute is 1/6 mile more than jenny’s. Because the walk miles of Tom will (1/6) *15 =2.5 miles more than jenny’s in 15 minutes and the extra time jenny spend to reach the exit is 2.5/ (5/6) = 3 minutes, the result is 15 3=18 minutes .
3. DS题:一个袋子里有红球和兰球,问有多少个兰球? (1)随机取一个球,是兰球的概率是1/5 (2)取出一个兰球后,在随机取一个球,是兰球的概率是1/3 my ans :E 【确认】E 虽然感觉应该依靠两个条件可以做,列式如下: According condition (1) get the equation: [B(blue one)/ B R (red one)]=1/5 According condition (2) get the equation: [(B-1)/ (B-1) R]=1/3 结果我计算出来是负的,因为第二个条件给出的概率值是不可能发生的。大家在考时时候遇到这种题不用列式,细心考虑一下就知道了,关键是细心。
4. 问A是否大于零,A.X^3<0. B. X^3 x 1=0 和老JJ不同,老机经是X^2 X 1=0 讨论:应该是问X是否大于零吧,X^3 x 1=0 应该也是无解。如果是无解的情况应该选A or D 哪一个,本题我倾向于选择 D 附老机经: 13. Is X<0? a.) X^3 < 0 b.) X^2 X 1 =0 [讨论]D, a) is obvious sufficient. for b), because x1x2=1, x1 x2=-1, then x are sure to <0, SO D! B不充分: 因为X^2 X 1 =0 无解呀. 应该选A吧 【讨论】D 。X^2 X 1 =0 无实数解,SO X<0不成立
6.WHAT IS THE NUMBER 108 MORE THAN TWO-THIRDS ITSELF? I CHOOSE 162, 不知对否。 【讨论】根据作者的题意我理解列式应该是 X= (2/3)X 108 => X=324 根据作者题中的答案162,我理解问题应该是what number is 108 more than one-thirds itself? 这是我的理解,请大家讨论。