58.saturn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ s ring. historically it is thought to be as old as solar system. but new evidence of meteoroid collision indicates it is quite new. for old ring will be as dark as chocolate or charcoal.
59.women in medieval were thought to have higher position than those in 16th,17th centriies. but it turns out to be not very true. at the end of the article two stupid arguments are refuted.
60.a guy thought blackhold in the core of galaxy should be formed before the surrounding stars were. because he thought every system with gravity bound is like this. btw another evidence is a kind of very very light star, which is related to blackhole, is found more in the ealier age in a galaxy.
61.survey of sale can be misleading. a good survey result is meaningless compared to the repurchase rate. the two has no correlation.