; ; 我将重点放在口语部分,因为他们最大的困惑似乎是在于这里。好多人认为这是一种让你show英语口才的考试。这是不正确的。如果在考试中,你说“Hello",就已经足够凭此给你一个分数了。当然,这种考试是测试考生的英语应用能力的。这也意味着如果你想获得高分,交流是关键。仅仅记住一堆长句子是没用的。同样的,用一些深奥无比的术语,以此希望让考官敬畏你也是没有什麽用处的。我经常用下面这个例子来向我的学生阐明我的观点。想象你身在英国,你正在沿街走进一幢建筑物,想着自己的事情,突然有人大喊:“别进去,那里有炸弹”。如果你不明白,你有两个选择,第一,你可以说“What do you mean?”或者你可以继续走,向那个家伙挥挥手,滑稽的笑着说“Good morning and have a nice day”
My purpose in writing this article is twofold. Firstly, I want to dispel certain misconceptions with regard to the IELTS examination. ; Secondly, as both a native speaker of English and an IELTS lecturer, it is my hope to be able to aid students in attaining good scores that truly reflect their English abilities.
I will focus on the Speaking section because the greatest amount of bewilderment seems to lie here. ; It is commonly thought that the test is one of English speaking. ; This is not true. ; If you say "Hello" in the exam, it will be sufficient to give you a band score. ; Rather, you are being tested for English usage. ; What this means is that in order to obtain a high score, communication is the key. ; It is not helpful to memorize and regurgitate lengthy speeches. ; Nor is it any good to make use of esoteric nomenclature in the hopes of putting the examiner in awe.
A simple anecdote that I always tell my students to illustrate my point is as follows. ; Imagine yourself in England. ; You are walking down the street into a building, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, someone screams, "Dont go in there, theres a bomb!"; Well, if you do not understand, you have two options open to you. ; First, you could reply, "What do you mean?" Or you could continue walking, raise a hand to wave at the person while wearing a comical smile and saying, "Good morning and have a nice day."
Honestly speaking, the IELTS is really that simple. ; The purpose of the exam is to see if you have the basic language skills needed to survive in an English speaking country. ; Students seem to think that they have to disguise their deficiencies in English. ; So let me make this pronouncement. ; We know that you are not native speakers. ; We know that you dont always understand every word in the English lexicon. ; But we dont care. ; We want to know if you speak enough English to cope with the situations you will face. ; And equally important, that you demonstrate you know what to do in situations where you do not. ; This first realization is necessary towards attaining a good score. ;
With that, I wish all students who wish to take the IELTS exam the very best of luck.