3. 阅读与写作:勿庸置疑,阅读将决定你是否能得一个中等偏上的分数,可大多数人却难以”奇文共赏”.这样的句子是不是很头大呢------“since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not perceived as a generational phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar to today’s young people ,it naturally follows that today’s English teachers can’t be doing their jobs.”其实,在国外学校或外企,外文资料远比这要难—“this simplest kind of black hole—one formed by the contraction of nonrotating ,collisionless matter with spherical symmetry—is called a Schwarzschild black hole, after the astronomer and mathematician Karl ,who devised the first known solution to Einstein equations of general relativity.”想在精英荟萃之地混下去吗?那就提高你的能力吧.介绍一本资料---<四级阅读理解精要>(李传伟)重点是352~383的难句分类,千万别去分析什麽语法结构,要按以下方法操作:不看注释,反复阅读那些难句,读懂,读通,读顺,直到感觉这样写很好,自己也会这样写.一两天后再读,一定又读不懂了,再从头来.如此反复几遍达到几天不看也可一下看懂为止.按此法坚持不懈的修炼几星期后,你的内力会”与时俱进”的.到时你也可以自己写”难句”,成为作文中的撒手间.我的120字作文仅6个句子,全按最常见难句的规律写成----长长的主,状,宾.复杂的后置修饰语.同位语把句义打乱.例如,本次四级作文开头是让列举不诚实的现象,我用一句话占一个自然段解决了问题”It’s a fact that a large number of problems which,we can see these all around us ,result in unhonesty are taking place everyday, such as students in high school are accused of cheating in their tests. customers are dissatisfied with the goods they ever baught and so on .”难乎哉,不难也.再介绍一本写作书----<雅思高分作文 >(胡敏)重点是议论文部分,学会用难句规律改写则永远解决了写的问题.下面说一说阅读的应试技巧,李传伟的课不可不听,我觉得最有道理的是:看一题,读原文,做题,再看下一题,再读原文……的做题思路.关注段首句,尾句,转折,比较句的做题技巧.其余价值不大,尤其是”关键词定位”,忒害人!这次分数尚可,阅读----38,写作---约13~15.