
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 11:48:13
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

•.Which of the following statements is not true?
•.A. The whole world is faced with the problem of the increasing population.
•.B. Some scientists argued that birth control can affect the level of intelligence.
•.C. Genetics in one of the main factors to intelligence.
•.D. Food, family attention and education have nothing to do with intelligence.
•.Source Sentence: In addition to genetics, they say, intelligence depends on an adequate diet, a good home environment, parental attention, and education
•.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
•.A. We should pity all such unhappy people.
•.B. Such unhappy people are critical about everything.
•.C. If such unhappy people recognize the bad effects of the habit on themselves they may get rid of it.

•.D. Such unhappy people are also not content with themselves.
•.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
•.A. The EEC spends one billion pounds on imported energy each year.
•.B. At the present level of research spending, it is difficult to make any significant progress in the provision of energy from the sun.
•.C. The desired breakthrough could be obtained by the end of the next decade if investment were increased.
•.D. The total yearly spending of the EEC on solar energy research amounted to almost 6 million dollars.
•.Which of the following statements is not true of hy0droponics?
•.A. Hy0droponics is still too complicated and expensive for practical use.
•.B. Hy0droponics is considered a revolutionary method of agriculture.
•.C. Hy0droponics has created wonders in agriculture.
•.D. Hy0droponics has already been employed in food production.
•.Source Sentence: Hy0droponics was once a complicated and expensive business, now it is well out of the experimental stage.
•.All the following statements are true EXCEPT that ____________.
•.A. electronic media can extend one’s contact with the world
•.B. those living far away from a certain event can also have some perception of realities by watching television
•.C. all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national media coverage
•.D. video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake gave the viewers the impression of total disaster

