
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 11:31:13
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

1. Cab driver: Here you are, sir. Queens Hotel.
Passenger: How much is it?
Cab driver: Three dollars and seventy-five cents.
Passenger: Here is four dollars. _____________.
A.Don’t give me the rest
B.It’s not necessary to give me the coins
C.Keep the change
D. I give up the pocket money

2. Customer: Excuse me, sir.
Clerk: ______________________.
Customer: I’d like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to?
Clerk: You can cash checks over there at window 6.
A. What? Can I help you?
B. Yes, may I help you?
C. It’s all right.
D. It doesn’t matter.

3. Patient: Excuse me miss. I made an appointment to see Dr. Smith at 4 o’clock this afternoon. My name is Ralph Williams.
Nurse: Let me check, …yes, Mr. Williams. ________________. You may go in now.
A. Dr. Smith is hoping you now
B. Dr. Smith is wishing you now
C. Dr. Smith is expecting you now
D. Dr. Smith is waiting you now

4. Doctor: Have you lost weight recently, Mr. Bush?
Bush: No, doctor. Actually, ________________.
A. I’ve become three pounds fatter
B. I’ve got three pounds weight
C. I’ve added to three pounds
D. I’ve put on three pounds

5. Mr. Woods: I’d like a double room for tonight.
Clerk: _________________________
Mr. Woods: Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods.
A. Have you made an order?
B. Have you paid beforehand?
C. Do you have a reservation?
D. Do you have an appointment?

6. Clerk: Would you sign the register, please?
Mr. Woods: Sure. ___________, does my room have a private bath?
Clerk: Certainly. Every room in this hotel have a private bath.
A. On the contrary.
B. By the way
C. In any case
D. Sorry to trouble you

7. Roger: Hurry up! We don’t have much time left.
Dick:. ________ We still have two hours.
Roger: Come on! This is my first time ever to take a plane. I don’t want anything to go wrong.
A. Go on.
B. Take it easy
C. All right.
D. Look out.

8. Hairdresser: How would you like to do your hair today? The same style as usual?
Mrs Lee: I have a special party to attend tonight, and I’d like to change styles.
Hairdresser: Very well. You’re not in a hurry, are you?
Mrs. Lee: No. ________________.
A. Be relaxed.
B. Take it easy.
C. Don’t worry.
D. Take your time.

9. Shop-assistant: May I help you, sir?
Mr. Blair: Er…I want to buy my wife a gift for Christmas, but I don’t know what she would like.
Shop-assistant: _______________________ These are all from Paris.
Mr. Blair: No. She has very good taste in clothes. I don’t want to take the risk.
A. Do you want to buy a pair of shoes?
B. What about a gold necklace?
C. How about an evening gown?
D. Don’t you think a gold watch would be very nice?

10. Daughter (in the kitchen): Shall I turn on the burner?
Mother: ______________. I haven’t finished peeling the potatoes.
A. No, not yet
B. No, not still
C. No, not already
D. No, not just

