
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 11:33:06
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Passage 19

In his youth,Knute Axelbrod wanted to learn many languages,to know everything about human history, to __1__ wise by reading great books.When he first came from Europeto the state of North Dakota,he worked in a mill all day __2__ studied all evening. Then he met Lena Wesselius and __3__ her at the age of eighteen. After that there was a farm to pay for,and there were children to __4__. For many years Axelbrod had no time to study.

Finally he had a farm __5__was free from debt, with good soil and plenty of animals. But __6__ then he was sixty-three years old and ready (it seemed) to die. His wife was __7__. His sons had grown up and gone away. His work was done. He was __8__ and alone. He built himself a small house on the hill, __9__he cooked his meals, made his bed, and read many books from the public library. He began to feel that he was __10__ free than ever before in his life.

1. A. beB. growC. becomeD. turn

2. A. whileB. andC. whereasD. but

3. A. marriedB. married withC. married toD. got married

4. A. bringB. rearC. raiseD. feed

5. A. itB. andC. heD. that

6. A. forB. byC. atD. from

7. A. diedB. deathC. deadD. deadly

8. A. freeB. unneededC. unemployedD. busy

9. A. whenB. whereC. whatD. that

10. A. moreB. muchC. a lotD. far

1. 【答案】C。


2. 【答案】B。


3. 【答案】A。

【解析】联系上下文,此处原文意为:当时他碰到了Lena Wesselius,并且18岁时与她结了婚。此处需选择含结婚意义的谓语动词,而表示结婚可有几种表达:marry sb., be married to sb.,get married with sb.,因此只能选择A。

4. 【答案】C。


5. 【答案】D。


6. 【答案】B。


7. 【答案】C。


8. 【答案】A。


9. 【答案】B。

【解析】此题为语篇结构词辨析题。需一个引导定语从句的连词,由于先行词为the hill表地点,因此选择关系副词where。

10. 【答案】A。


Passage 20

Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. He is born with _1_he needs to win at life. Each person in his own __2__ can see, hear, touch, taste, and think for himself. Each has his own unique __3__ — his capabilities and limitations.__4__ can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creatively productive person in his own right — a winner.

The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer __5__ a person as a winner, we do not mean one who beats the other guy __6__ winning over him and making him lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being __7__, trustworthy, responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of __8__.

A loser is one who fails to respond authentically. Martin Buber __9 _ this idea as he retells an old story of a rabbi who on his __10__ bed sees himself as a loser. The rabbi laments that, in the world to come, he will not be asked why he wasn’t Moses. he will be asked why he wasn’t himself.

1. A. that B. what C. which D. how

2. A. way B. case C. method D. appetite

3. A. possibilities B. abilities C. potentials D. energy

4. A. One B. All C. Every D. Each

5. A. as B. to C. for D. on

6. A. with B. for C. on D. by

7. A. credit B. believing C. credible D. believed

8. A. society B. group C. community D. party

9. A. takes B. tells C. speaks D. expresses

10. A. die B. death C. dying D. died




【解析】此题考查固定搭配。in one’s (own) way“以某人(自己)的方式”是固定搭配。 B. case案件,情况,与文章意思不符。选C. method,无意义。D. 口味,胃口,不相符。


【解析】此题考查词义辨析。空后的capabilities and limitation就是对所填之词的解释,因此potentials“潜力”为最佳选择项。A.可能性.B.能力(只说明一个方面) .D.能量。


【解析】此题考查考生的语感。此空缺主语,选项中只有C不能作主语。上文的句式皆为each 引出的平行结构,据此,可猜出这儿也填Each。


【解析】此题考查固定搭配。这一题考介动词搭配,refer to“指的是,指,参考”为固定搭配。其他三个介词均不与refer搭配。


【解析】此题考查介词用法。表示“通过……方法(式)”时常用by (或through) doing结构。


【解析】此题考查考生的语感。根据being 和形容词trustworthy 可推测该空一定是形容词。credit v. 相信;believing相信( 现在分词) . credible adj. 可信的;believed被相信的。


【解析】此题为词义辨析题。前文提到的是个人,与之对应的应是社会,因此A. 为正确答案。 B. 集团.C. 社区,团体. D政党,党派。


【解析】此题考查词的搭配。动词talk, tell, speak 一般都不与idea 搭配。 express the/ones idea表达观点。


【解析】此题考查习惯用法。death bed是习惯用语,意为“临终, 人死之前睡的床”。

