
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 09:54:12
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网

Read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

Emerging technologies are prompting fundamental changes in education. The static, sequential pres-entation of books has been the 1 for learning since Gutenberg. Now, 2 , we are beginning to see3 , linked and interactive technology-based resources in virtually every 4 When 5 with onlinedistance learning and personal interaction of the traditional classroom environment, such resources 6 a
richer learning environment. We need to 7 that computer-based education will not 8 the classroomor teacher anytime soon, but those who have tried it agree that CBT (computer-based training) will have adramatic 9 on the way we learn.
Educational software is experiencing an explosion of 10 in our homes and schools. Computer-basededucational resources take many 11 and are being embraced by young and old 12 . Students canlearn anatomy by taking 13 tours of the body. Students can travel through the Milky Way to Cassiopeiaand other constellations 14 an electronic teacher explains the 15 of the universe. Millions of ele-mentary age students are getting one-on-one instructions 16 keyboarding skills. Chemistry students aredoing lab exercises with bits and bytes 17 dangerous chemicals. Some innovative software packages ~ 18 the mind by inviting students to learn the power of logic and creativity. We all have learned at onetime or another that learning can, and should be, fun. It didnt take long for education software developersto 19 education and entertainment into a single learning resource. This edutainment software givesstudents an opportunity to play 20 learning.
1. [A] axis [B] impetus [C] medium [D] foundation来源:www.examda.com
2. [A] moreover [B] however [C] incidentally [D] consequently
3. [A] spontaneous [B] lively [C] dynamic [D] robust
4. [A] discipline [B] domain [C] scope [D] realm
5. [A] coupled [B] compared [C] aligned [D] identified
6. [n] suffice [B] grant [C] boost [D] offer
7. [A] denounce [B] disclaim [C] restate [D] retort
8. [A] discharge [B] replace [C] dislocate [D] retrieve
9.[A]autonomy [B]impact [c]incentive [D]affection
10.[A]admission [B]reception [C]acknowledgement [D]acceptance
11.[A]shapes [B]options [C]forms [D]alternativas
1 2.[A]alike [B]likely [c]invariably [D]individually
1 3.[A]ritual [B]rigorous [C]virtual [D]authentic
14.[A]while [B1 where [C]whereas [D]since
15.[A]fantasies [B]mysteries [C]momentum [D]myths
16.[A]on [B]with [C]for rD]at
1 7.[A]other than [B]according to [C]rather than [D]in contrast to
1 8.[A]tease [B]evoke [C]abound [D]disrupt
1 9.[A]merge [B]connect [C]immerse [D]combine
20.[A]as [B]by [C]with [D]while

