; ; ; ; ; ; 急表急,马上就说重点.终于到我了,一个超帅的绅士走出来欢迎我,他,就是主人公考官先生.好象叫PIERE(拼的不对不要打我),我就问他Is your name a French name?他说是的,好说好说.呵呵.First,介绍自己,问我是学生不?我就把我的专业也告诉他了.然后问我enjoy study at school不?我说:各么当然!然后他问我do you usually use computer?do you think computer will be used more in the future?接着我们又说了cloths,问我喜欢买衣服吗?喜欢逛衣服店吗?重点是the change在衣服上跟以前比.part 2 ,my favorit animal:what is it?where it lives?why you like it? explain 好象是why the animal special to you. Finally,we discuss动物的保护,濒临灭绝的动物(好象是这些),the last question is :do you think it is useful to keep the animal as pet?