文章作者 无名 发表时间 2004:12:06 05:58:50
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
发贴: 许艾 ; ; ; ;
Part I
1. Yourself
; ; 1)Whats you full name?
; ; 2)What shall I call you?
; ; 3)Can I see your identification please?
; ; 3)Are there some special meaning of you name?
; ; 7)Have you ever change a name?Why?
; ; 8)Do you like you name?
2. Eucationnal Background
; ; Do you have a job or are you a student?
; ; A. student
; ; 1)Wthat is your major?
; ; 2)你为什么喜欢这个专业?
; ; 3)Describe your study habits?
; ; 4)What will you do in future?
; ; ; ; /What will you do when you graduate?
; ; B. empoyee
; ; 1)What subjects you would study when you were in school?
; ; 2)Where do you work?
; ; 3)What is you routine?
; ; 3)Are you satisfied with your current job?
; ; 4)Which kind of job you want to get?
; ; 5)What do you think of your future job?
; ; ; ; /Which speciality you will choice in futuer?Why?
; ; 6)你认为现在人都是在做自己喜欢的工作吗?
; ; 7)你的家乡什么工作比较流行?
; ; 8)你认为将来什么工作会比较流行?
3. English studing
; ; 1)Could you give some ideas how to study Englsh?
; ; 2)How do you think about English?
; ; 3)What do you think of English and other languages?
; ; 4)How to learn English well?
; ; ; ; /HOw to improve you English?
; ; 5)When did you begin to study English?
; ; 6)What is the key about studing English?
; ; 7)Are there some diffculties about studing English?
; ; 8)Why do you learn English instead of other foreign languages?
4. Hometown
; ; 1)Where do you come from?
; ; ; ; /Where do you live?
; ; 2)When did you begin to live there?
; ; 3)Can you tell me something about your hometown?
; ; ; ; Can you tell me about some famouse landscapes/scenic spots in your hometown?
; ; 4)Do you like your hometown?
; ; 5)What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?
; ; 6)Whether you will leave your hometown? why?
; ; 7)Do you want to remove?
; ; 8)Could you recommend one good palce to live?
5. House
; ; 1)Do you live in a house or a flat?
; ; 2)Compare advantage and disadvantage of house and flat?
; ; 3)What are the differences between house and flat?
6. Family
; ; 1)Talk about your family?
; ; 2)What kind of things in your home? Tell me some interesting things in your home?
7. Food
; ; 1)What do you like to eat?
; ; 2)What are the healthy food?
; ; 3)What can be regarded as healthy food?
; ; 4)Do people now pay more attention to the healthy food?
; ; 5)What are the differences between the food people ate 20 years ago and now?
; ; 6)What are the differences between the peoples food habit in modern time and that in the past?
; ; 7)DO you think chinese eating are better or worse than before?
; ; 8)Is it poosible to change your eating habit?
8. Spare time
; ; 1)What do you do in you spare time?
; ; 2)Which part of a day do you like?
; ; 3)What do you think the role of free time in a persons daily life?
; ; 4)What do you usually do on weekend?
; ; 5)Which weekend night do you prefer,Friday,Saturday or Sunday? Why?
; ; 6)Do you think weekend is very importantfor you?
9. Shopping
; ; 1)Do you like shopping?Why?
; ; 2)Do you often go shopping?
; ; 3)When you go shopping? Who always go with you?
; ; 4)Which kind of things you like to buy?
; ; 5)Who do the main shopping in your family?
; ; 6)Who prefer shopping, men or women?
; ; ; ; /Who prefer shopping, boy or gril?
; ; 7)Which places where young people like to go shopping now?
; ; 8)What kind of places people like to go for shopping?
10. Fashion
; ; 1)Do you like fashion? why?
; ; 2)What is the meaning of fashion?
; ; 3)What is your opinion about the trend of fashion?
; ; 4)Which kind of clothes do you like to wear?
; ; 5)Do you like to buy clothes?why?
; ; 6)What are the differences between people wearing now and in the past?
11. Music
; ; 1)What kind of music do you like? Why?
; ; 2)When do you listen to music?
; ; 3)Have you ever play some instruments?
; ; 4)Do children should play instruments?
; ; 5)Do you think whether chindren play instruments will change their thinking about music?
; ; 6)Do the instruments could change a person who play it life?
12. Watching TV
; ; 1)Do you watch TV?
; ; 2)What TV programes do you like to watch?
; ; 3)Do you parents let you watch TV as you like?
; ; 4)How useful is TV?
; ; 5)中国的电视节目全部都适合妇女儿童吗?
; ; 6)你觉得学校应该有电视吗?
13. Reading
; ; 1)Do you like reading?
; ; 2)Which kind of books do you like to read?
; ; 3)How much time you will take a day about reading?why?
; ; 4)Where do you read books?
; ; 5)What is the meaning of reading for you?
14. Sport
; ; 1)Do you like sports?
; ; 2)Do you do some sports in school?
; ; 3)Which kind of sports do you like?why?
; ; 4)Do chinese like sports?
; ; 5)Which kind of people like sports?Which dislike?
; ; 6)Which kind of sports do people in youe hometown like?
; ; 7)Do you think sports have somes benifits to young people? Which kind?
15. Photos
; ; 1)Do you like to take photographs?
; ; 2)Which kind of photos you like to take?
; ; 3)How do you arrange your photos?
; ; 4)Do you have some photos in the past you got?
; ; 5)Are there some photos on you homes wall?
; ; 6)Do Chinese people like to take photographs?
; ; 7)What kind of photos do chinese like?
; ; 8)Is taking photos popular in china?
16. Travel
; ; 1)Do you like traveling? Why?
; ; 2)Do you like travelling alone or with other people?
; ; 3)Where did you travel?
; ; 4)Have you got a chance to go oversea?
; ; 5)Which another countrys city you ever go?
; ; 6)Are there some benifits about
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