There is a growing tendency these days for more and more college students to take part-time jobs. Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs. Family education has some advantages. On one hand, Family education can let you earn some extra money and help you become more independent of your family. One the other hand, family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.
However there are also some disadvantages in taking family education. For example, we may lose time needed for sleep, rest, study and recreation. Taking family education may interfere with our study and give us little or no useful experience. As a result, we may find it hard to adjust to what the college expects of him.
As far as I am concerned, I think college students can take family education. But we have to strike a balance between school and the job. As a student, acquiring more knowledge is our first important task. Although family education can enrich our world of good, we should not spend too much time on it.