文章作者 100test 发表时间 2007:02:25 09:34:01
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Part V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points)
Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. His period in office was marked by s steep rise in Iran’s oil revenues and the beginning of a social-political crisis brought on by wide-scale misuse of the $22 billion a year earning from oil.
2. Todays teachers know they have to make lessons fast-moving and entertaining for children raised on television and computer game.
3. These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents.
4. Brazils population growth rate has 0dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average.
5. There is a general support for the argument Democrates are beginning to make that priority should be given to improving the ability of the government to prevent the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction into the entry and to respond effectively should such an attack
6. In order to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.
8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.
9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.
10. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.