2.23 杭州 口语 场里场外/bluebottle 好困啊,两天都没睡好了,做梦都是park的风格啊,child啊,还在梦里描述一个love story,还有那首favourite song<;try to remember>;..... 估计现在烤完鸭子的战友们要么呼呼大睡,要么游戏中,mm要么就直接去逛街了...不过杭州下雨ing,烦人,滴答滴答的......
上午考了口语,有些问题应该可以补充一下机经。回忆一下先.... what do u do? whats ur major,why u chose it,advantage and disadvantage about u major what guarantee of uni. would u get? do u like film?do u want to be in a film? which animals can be found in china? which animal do u like,and why?
cue card:toy
do u think toy can be educational? how do u think the quality of toy? the difference of the toy ; boys and girls like,and why what should parents do to be good parents? what are the different role played by teacher and parents in childrens life? what should they do? ....
2月23日口语回忆 今天早上8:40在天津考完口语,现汇报情况: 考官,男,光头,以:where are you come from ?开场 看身份证 you name? are you a student or at work? what are you doing? what is the disadvantage about your work? do you like shopping? what kind of shop do you like? do you like to see film? where do people like to see ,at home or in cinema? why? task 2: your ideal house? where?outside and inside like? 刚说了一半就被打断 task 3: where are the interesting buildings in Tianjin? what is like? which district in TJ is best ? why? do you think the govenment in TJ do well ?
今天中午12:00在华师大 考官是个大肚子的老年人FR 上来基本情况不说了,然后是 ABOUT FREE TIME CARD:MUSIE OR SONG DISCUSSIONS: 关于科技和音乐的关系,现代年轻人对音乐的看法
2.23上海大学下午的口语,private garden &;childhood,他一上来就问我童年,我想了一想,然后告诉他,我的经历,考生要准备一下,但只是part1里的,还说道电影,at home or go to cinema.还好没有什么奇怪的题目,考官的语速也可以,就是一上来录音的那一段巨快无比,不要怕,他会慢下来的. 考官是一个很高的老头,一上来我就主动和他打招呼good afternoon,我前面的考生还忘了身份证,我告诉他,然后他很夸张的 oh no!:)接下来我就自我介绍,英文中文名字,我想英文名字会比较亲切,他还记下来了,我想是出与礼貌把。然后就开始了. 我想有几点经验和大家分享,如果可以,尽量先和他们打招呼,然后笑,不管是真是假,不管他们有没有对你笑!:);说道重点的地方,用眼神示意他,同时点头,body language也很重要,我考试中,说到一半,感觉脸很热,forget it 只是有点脸红,全当天然胭脂好了:)采取一个比较舒适的坐姿,不要挺直后背,让人感觉你很紧张.作到这些,我想就ok了:)